? Number of ways to fill in the number of ways that are all median around the
? It's tricky to influence each other
There's such a thing as all hatchets.
18 rows and 6 columns of squares
DPs that are OK once the 6-row pattern is determined.
NG only when the three surroundings have the same value.
Need a 6 column pattern as well as how many 1s are around the top square?
When the top is 1,0,0 and the bottom is 1, don't put a 0 on the bottom.
2 bits are needed if you include the critical 0,1
No, no, no, no.
A 0 placed next to it can become a dangerous 0 later.
Official Explanation
DP in two rows
I guess I made the information I brought around too small, or I should have thought about it from the larger side.
If we can get all the information on the line above, that's enough to identify the current line.
Then how far do we need to go?
Three up is not necessary.
Therefore, DP in 2 lines
I guess I should have thought of it in that vein...
think again
Pack 2 rows of information into 2^12 and shift 6 bits for each row forward
The given hint data is bit masked and the discrepancy is done by bitwise operations.
We can see that there are 1's everywhere there should be 1's, by ANDing the mask and checking if it is identical to the mask.
To see if there is a 0 where there should be a 0, just or the reverse mask.
I guess we'll just have to find out naively that it's the median of the surrounding area.
And it's tricky because of the edges.
I reread the problem statement and the ends were treated as zeroes.
1 is valid if the value obtained by adding the four surrounding values is greater than or equal to 2, 0 is valid if the value is less than or equal to 2, and both are valid if the value is 2.
5AC 14WA It looks like no TLE for now.
Including the sample, it's 8AC, so it doesn't sound like it's fundamentally wrong.
What's funny...
def solve(data):
ZERO = ord("0")
ONE = ord("1")
onemasks = []
zeromasks = []
for y in range(18):
onemask = 0
zeromask = 0
for i in range(6):
onemask += 1 << i
zeromask += 1 << i
def is_valid(y, s):
return (
onemasksy & s == onemasksy and zeromasksy | s == zeromasksy )
def is_median(p1, p2, s):
for i in range(6):
# median check
mask = (1 << i)
neighbor = sum(
x & mask > 0 for x in
is_ok_one = (p2 & mask) and neighbor >= 2
is_ok_zero = not(p2 & mask) and neighbor <= 2
if not (is_ok_one or is_ok_zero):
return False
return True
def debugprint(*args):
def to_s(x):
return "".join(reversed(f"{x:06b}"))
P6 = 2 ** 6
P12 = 2 ** 12
for s in range(P6):
if is_valid(0, s):
for s2 in range(P6):
if is_valid(1, s) and is_median(0, s, s2):
for y in range(2, 18):
for s in range(P6):
if not is_valid(y, s):
for past in range(P12):
p1, p2 = divmod(past, P6)
if is_median(p1, p2, s):
table = newtable
return sum(table)
This page is auto-translated from /nishio/PAST4N. If you looks something interesting but the auto-translated English is not good enough to understand it, feel free to let me know at @nishio_en. I'm very happy to spread my thought to non-Japanese readers.