New Village
The Shinshiki Mura is dedicated to living in accordance with the spirit of the Shinshiki Mura, as advocated by Mushanokoji Saneatsu. Established in 1918
He was 33 at the time.
For Saneatsu, building a "village" was his life goal along with literature. He worked hard at farm work with his own farming tools, something he was not accustomed to doing. It was the year after the Russian Revolution broke out. Communism was still a new idea, but it was also a time when it captured the hearts of writers and artists in search of an ideal. --- The "uninhibited wife" fell in love with a young man one after another... The "complicated human relations" woven by the women in Saneatsu Mushanokouji's ideal village "Shinshiki-mura" (full text) Daily Shincho] 2022 (2022)
○ Of the 8 members, 5 left the village at the end of March, leaving 3.
○ Farming income 2.62 million yen
We are at a crossroads: whether this experimental community, which has been in existence for more than 100 years, can continue to exist as a long-lasting inhabited area, whether it will become a kind of memorial park for Saneatsu's achievements, or whether it is destined to play no more role and become an abandoned village.
[The "ideal village" where "Mushanokoji Saneatsu" spent his private fortune has become a "marginal village"... Only three villagers remain, and they are "struggling to maintain the status quo" (Page 3) | Daily Shincho https://www.dailyshincho. jp/article/2024/08110851/?all=1&page=3] There has been no smooth progress in our discussions about becoming a public benefit corporation or in our plans to increase the number of residents in the village. It is difficult to come together because of the different ways of thinking of the members inside the village, let alone those outside the village. On the other hand, the nature of the village, which does not have a strong leader, and in which each person lives independently while working together, naturally makes it impossible to make decisions based on conveying the will of the governing to the governed. Because of the strong independence of the community, it is also difficult to cooperate with the government. The truth is that maintenance of the status quo is the best we can do. Most things break down or lose functionality over time, so to maintain the "status quo" requires the creation of new products at the same rate as deterioration.
But there is no incentive for players who can create new ones to "stay at the same level of deterioration".
It's like watching the civilization collapse process of the Atlas shrugs. I did what I did last year, [Unexpected things happened and things didn't work out, it's not my fault.
During the Heisei era, the number of farmers went from "48 farmers/farming income of 247 million yen" to "8 farmers/farming income of 6.18 million yen".
General Incorporated Foundation "Shinshiki Mura
It looks like they're filing for public benefits in 2022, but I doubt it.
I wonder if they can claim that their primary purpose is to provide "public service."
I like the fact that it stipulates no compensation for board members.
I wonder if installing Mushanokoji Saneatsu's grandson as the chairman of the board is a play to shift the balance of power toward the foundation and make reform possible.
Does the history mention that a new board chair (Mr. Terashima) was elected in 2016 or when he became the current board chair?
I don't see this Mr. Terashima's name on the current list of board members.
Business Plan for FY2022
The remaining three members of the village, who were not alive at the same time as Saneatsu Mushanokoji, the founder of Shinshiki Mura, and who have never met him in person, will be the core of Shinshiki Mura (village).
It's blatant.
It is lowering the legitimacy of the members in the village. Special mention should be made of Fusako's letter to Saneatsu, which is featured in the novel. It is a series of somewhat incoherent and eccentric phrases.
I am a child of the moon, and I think I am the spirit of the moon. I hate women, I hate round women the most, I hate round women, I hate round women, I hate round women, I hate round women, I hate round women, I hate round women, I hate round women the most, I hate dark women, I hate long women, I hate short women.
It is beyond egocentric and even creepy. Nevertheless, Saneatsu, who was "starved for women," was at first displeased with Fusako, but gradually became attracted to her, and eventually they were married.
However, when Fusako and Saneatsu entered Kijo Village just after its opening after their marriage, she immediately showed her "uninhibitedness". She became friends with a young runaway who entered the village and became the talk of the village. It is said that the young man was Shinichi Himori, who later became a movie actor.
But that was not all. One after another, he fell in love with younger residents, including the tall, handsome Teizo Ochiai, and the handsome, boyish Masao Sugiyama, who was 10 years younger than himself.
Saneatsu left the village in 1924 (Taisho 13) and became a member outside the village, paying only membership fees without living in the village, so he was actually a resident for only six years.
In 1922, he divorced Fusako and remarried Yasuko Igo.
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