Justification of suffering
You can get pain in your life. Specifically, images such as seeing losses incurred due to one's own stupidity.
Not that this kind of suffering is not an aspect of human development.
Sufferers do not want to believe that their suffering was futile, so they tend to make excessive sense of it
The idea that others should suffer similarly as a result of finding meaning
This idea is harmful.
[Tendering Suffering: Understanding that all things are suffering.
Shugi: Understand that it is your own desires that create the suffering. [Understanding "If you eliminate greed, you will eliminate all suffering".
In the third part of the Lotus Sutra, the parable of the parables, we read
If you are a man of small wisdom and deep love and greed, for this reason I have taught you to give up suffering.
If sentient beings do not know the source of suffering, they will be deeply affected by the cause of suffering and will not be able to renounce it for a while.
If greed is destroyed, there is no room for dependence.
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