Special lecture sponsored by [BMOT
Professor Shuzo Fujimura, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Learn the business, design the business."
Different cognitive load in normal times and emergencies results in different forms of management.
We need to create a higher level system, not just a "corporate" unit.
Analogy of the transition of the country's governance from an absolute monarchy to a republic.
The question is how to make [lingua franca
I am interested in how this could be accomplished. Perhaps in peacetime it is an inappropriate level of abstraction to think of a "corporate" unit as a component.
When "corporations," the owners of financial capital, are interconnected with "individuals," the owners of knowledge capital, a higher-order system beyond the corporation may be created.
April 11, 2019 -
In an emergency, the axes of value are less clear.
So from a lot of information, one can discard what is not relevant to the axis and one or a few people can make a decision.
But in peacetime, there are so many axes that it becomes difficult for one person to grasp the whole picture.
The reason why people tend to be drawn to Quantitative KPIs is that when one person tries to make a decision with a variety of axes, it exceeds the capacity of that person's cognitive ability. To solve this problem, decision-making must be delegated to those who are closer to the specific information.
Even teal organizations choose a top-down organizational structure in times of emergency, but not in times of peace.
Another interesting part of the discussion was the need to create a higher level system rather than a "corporate" unit, which was called "industrial republic. I am interested in how this could be accomplished. Perhaps in peacetime it is an inappropriate level of abstraction to think of a "corporate" unit as a component.
The interconnection of the "firm," a unit of financial capital, with the "individual," a unit of knowledge capital, creates a higher-order system that transcends the firm.
Oh, okay, you said peacetime and emergency, but the "catch up and overtake" state is narrowed down to an axis, so in these two divisions, you're with the emergency side. Since the Meiji era, management has been based on catch-up and overtaking values
Nakayama, Japan
And now that it is over, you are not sure what to do?
Looking back now, Plurality and [Global Deliberations ---
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