temporal logic、tense logic、time logic、時制論理、時閒論理
Arthur Norman Prior の時相論理 (TL) 演算子
$ Px: "It was the case that..."$ \lang P\rang xとも書く
$ Fx: "It will be the case that..."$ \lang F\rang xとも書く
$ Gx: "It always will be the case that..."$ \lbrack P\rbrack xとも書く
$ Hx: "It always was the case that..."$ \lbrack F\rbrack xとも書く
$ Px\iff\neg H\neg x,$ \neg P\neg x\iff Hx
$ Fx\iff\neg G\neg x,$ \neg F\neg x\iff Gx
規則 N :$ \frac{\vdash x}{\vdash Gx},$ \frac{\vdash x}{\vdash Hx}
公理 K :$ G(x\to y)\to(Gx\to Gy),$ H(x\to y)\to(Hx\to Hy)
$ x\to GPx,$ x\to HF x
線形 (linear)
interval temporal logic (ITL)
duration calculus (DC)
計量時相論理 (metric temporal logic; MTL)
計量 interval 時相論理 (metric interval temporal logic; MITL)
signal 時相論理 (signal temporal logic)
timestamp temporal logic (TTL)
timed propositional temporal logic (TPTL)
hyper temporal logic (HyperLTL)
時閒正規表現 (timed regular expression)
property specification language (PSL)
分岐 (branching)
樣相μ計算 (modal μ-calculus)
$ \mu x.pは方程式$ x=pの最小不動點を計算する 時相量子論理 (temporal quantum logic。量子論理) history projection operator (HPO) formalism
時制 (tense)
相 (aspect)