/icons/point.icon 人種
部族, 種族 (!時に侮辱的なニュアンスを伴う)
e.g. indigenous Indian tribes
e.g. the Celtic tribes of Europe. (古代ローマの)3部族の1つ; (古代イスラエルの)12部族の1つ; (古代ギリシャの)部族
⦅主に非難して⦆ (同じ関心・職業などを持つ)一団, 連中
e.g. she made a stand against the social codes of her English middle-class tribe
e.g. an outburst against the whole tribe of theoreticians
e.g. the entire tribe is coming for Thanksgiving.
〖~s〗 大勢
e.g. tribes of children playing under the watchful eyes of nurses.
〘生物〙 族, 類
In historical contexts, the word tribe is broadly accepted ( the area was inhabited by Slavic tribes), but in contemporary contexts, it is problematic when used to refer to a community living within a traditional society. It is strongly associated with past attitudes of white colonialists toward so-called primitive or uncivilized peoples living in remote undeveloped places. For this reason it is generally preferable to use alternative terms such as community or people.