verb no object
〈氷・雪などが〉解ける; 〈冷凍食品などが〉解凍する, 戻る(out) (!凍ったものが解けること; → melt) e.g. the river thawed and barges of food began to reach the capital
e.g. (as noun thawing) : catastrophic summer floods caused by thawing. 〖itを主語として〗(氷・雪が解けるほど)暖かくなる
〈人・物などが〉〈氷・雪など〉を解かす; 〈冷凍食品など〉を解凍する, 戻す(out)
e.g. European exporters simply thawed their beef before unloading.
⦅くだけて⦆ 〈体(の一部)〉を暖めてほぐす;〈関係・態度・緊張・人など〉を和ませる, やわらげる, ほぐす(out)
e.g. Ryan began to feel his ears and toes thaw out.
〈関係・態度・緊張などが〉和む, やわらぐ, ほぐれる; 〈人が〉打ち解ける(out)
e.g. no object : she thawed out sufficiently to allow a smile to appear.
〖通例単数形で〗(氷・雪などが)解けること, 雪解け, 解氷; 雪解けの季節, 暖かさ
e.g. the thaw came yesterday afternoon.
〖単数形で〗【関係などの】緩和; ⦅比喩的に⦆ 雪解け «in» .
e.g. a thaw in relations between the two countries.