(ほうき・ブラシなどで)〈床・地面・部屋など〉を掃く, 掃除する(up)
e.g. I've swept the floor
e.g. Greg swept out the kitchen.
«…から/…へ» (ほうきなどで)A〈ほこり・ごみなど〉を掃きのける, 払う(off) «from/into, to»
e.g. she swept the tea leaves into a dustpan.
〖~ A+副詞〗 〈群衆の波が〉A〈人〉を連れ去る, さらう; 〖be swept〗急いで連れて行かれる (!〖副詞〗は方向の表現)
e.g. I was swept along by the crowd.
〖~ A+副詞〗 «…から» (後ろに)A〈(長い)髪〉をとかす(back, away, up) «from»
e.g. long hair swept up into a high chignon.
〈風・波・嵐などが〉 【場所を】激しい勢いで通り抜ける; 〈物が〉疾走する(past)
e.g. a large black car swept past the open windows
e.g. figurative : a wave of sympathy swept over him.
〖~ A+副詞〗 A〈手・腕〉をさっと伸ばす, 動かす (!〖副詞〗は方向の表現)
e.g. he swept his hand around the room.
⦅書⦆ 〈人が〉 «…へ» 堂々と進む, 大胆かつ速やかに動く «into, through» (!特にいらだち・尊大さを含意する)
e.g. she swept magnificently from the hall.
⦅書⦆ 〈思想・感情・伝染病などが〉 «…に» 急速に広まる «across, through»
e.g. the rebellion had swept through all four of the country's provinces
⦅書⦆ 〈思想・感情・伝染病などが〉〈人々・場所など〉に急速に広まる(along, away)
e.g. with object : violence swept the country.
〈土地・地形が〉(曲線を描くように)長く伸びている, ずっと続く, 広がる(down)
e.g. green forests swept down the hillsides.
〈連戦〉に連勝, 全勝する
e.g. we knew we had to sweep these three home games.
⦅主に書⦆ 〈視線・照明などが〉〈場所〉をさっと見渡す, 照らす
e.g. the detective swept the room for hair and fingerprints.
e.g. the line is swept every fifteen minutes.
e.g. they were trying to get the Lewis gun up behind some trees from where they would sweep the trench.
⦅英⦆ 〖通例単数形で〗掃き掃除(すること)
e.g. I was giving the floor a quick sweep.
(腕・刀などの)一振り, 大きく振ること
e.g. a grandiose sweep of his hand.
〖通例単数形で〗(場所を)くまなく捜すこと, (犯罪などを)一掃すること, 掃討
e.g. the police finished their sweep through the woods.
A〈地形〉の緩やかに伸びる曲線, (弧を描くように)長く伸びたA〈地域・土地〉
e.g. one fork of the driveway continued on to the gravel sweep.
広範囲におよぶ, 壮大なA〈考え・計画・歴史など〉
e.g. the whole sweep of the history of the USSR.
e.g. a World Series sweep.
e.g. as modifier : a big, heavy sweep oar.
win every event or prize in a contest.
see foot.
see clean.
conceal or ignore a problem or difficulty in the hope that it will be forgotten.
sweep something away (or aside)
remove, dispel, or abolish something in a swift and sudden way: Nahum's smile swept away the air of apprehensive gloom.