/icons/point.icon 痛い
sore: 外部表面のけが・炎症・筋肉痛などの痛み. painful 肉体的・精神的な痛みをいうが, 主に肉体的な痛みに用いる.
source: [ダンまちのヘスティアが頬っぺたをつねられてパンパンに腫れているGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 257817] adjective
〈体の一部が〉(けが・筋肉痛などで)痛い; (炎症などで)ひりひりする, ずきずき痛む (!触ったり動かしたりするとpain(痛み)があること; → painful) e.g. my feet were sore and my head ached.
e.g. he was sore from the long ride.
⦅主に米・くだけて・やや古⦆ «人に/…に対して» 怒っている, 腹を立てている «at/about»
e.g. I didn't even know they were sore at us.
⦅文⦆ 〖名詞の前で〗非常な, 大変な
e.g. we're in sore need of him.
(炎症などで)痛い所; 傷; (赤い)腫れ
e.g. we had sores on our hands.
いやな思い出; 心の傷.
e.g. there's no point raking over the past and opening old sores.
adverb archaic
e.g. they were sore afraid.
a subject or issue about which someone feels distressed or annoyed: the glamorous image of their paramilitary rivals was always a sore point with the police.
stand (or stick) out like a sore thumb
be obviously different from the surrounding people or things.