source: [優しいおじいさんが子供たちを仲直りさせるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 349638] noun
⦅かたく⦆ 〖具体例では可算; 通例修飾語を伴って〗合意, 決着, 解決, 和解(agreement) e.g. unions succeeded in reaching a pay settlement
e.g. the settlement of the Sino-Japanese war.
e.g. the owner reached an out-of-court settlement with the plaintiffs. 〖通例修飾語を伴って〗居留地, (開拓地としての)入植地
e.g. the little settlement of Buttermere.
«…への» 入植, 移民 «of»
e.g. the early settlement of Queensland.
e.g. he was involved in the sale and settlement of land.
〖具体例では可算〗【人への】財産の贈与 «on, upon»
e.g. a boundary wall, which has cracked due to settlement, is to be replaced.