source: [氷菓の千反田えるがお祈りするGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 720957] verb no object
〈人が〉 «…のために, …を願って/…に/…のことを» 祈る, (強く)願う «for/to/over»
e.g. the whole family is praying for Michael
〈人が〉〈神様など〉に祈る, (強く)願う; 〖~(to A) (that)節〗 (A〈神など〉に)…ということを祈る; 〖~(for A) to do〗 (Aが)…することを祈る
e.g. with object : pray God this is true.
e.g. after several days of rain, we were praying for sun
⦅書⦆ 〖直接話法〗…と祈る
e.g. with clause : I prayed that James wouldn't notice.
adverb formal or archaic
e.g. pray continue.
〖疑問文で〗どうか, お願いだから
e.g. and what, pray, was the purpose of that?