verb |ˌōvərˈlo͝ok| with object
〈人などが〉〈事実など〉を見落とす, (うっかりして)…に気づかない (!missより⦅かたく⦆ ) e.g. he seems to have overlooked one important fact.
〈人が〉〈失敗など〉を大目に見る, 知らぬふりをする, 見逃す
e.g. she was more than ready to overlook his faults.
【昇進などの対象から】〈人〉をはずす «for»
e.g. he was overlooked by the Nobel committee.
〈場所・建物などが〉〈ある場所・景色など〉を見下ろす, …がよく見える; 〈人が〉 «…から» 〈景色など〉を一望する, 見渡す(look over) «from» e.g. the chateau overlooks fields of corn and olive trees.
〈仕事・人など〉を監視, 監督する
e.g. they told them they were overlooked by some unlucky Person.
⦅米⦆ 見晴らしのよい高台; 見晴らし.
e.g. he veered off the highway onto an overlook.