/icons/point.icon HONOR, HOMAGE, REVERENCE, DEFERENCE mean respect and esteem shown to another. HONOR may apply to the recognition of one's right to great respect or to any expression of such recognition. e.g. the nomination is an honor
e.g. paying homage to Shakespeare
REVERENCE implies profound respect mingled with love, devotion, or awe. e.g. great reverence for my father
DEFERENCE implies a yielding or submitting to another's judgment or preference out of respect or reverence. e.g. showed no deference to their elders
君主、領主の人間になるという誓いでfealtyよりも重い義務のある誓い 作品に対する敬意→「オマージュ」
⦅かたく⦆ «…に対する» 敬意, 尊敬 «to»
e.g. they paid homage to the local boy who became president
e.g. a masterly work written in homage to Beethoven.
e.g. a man doing homage to his personal lord.