BEAUTIFUL applies to whatever excites the keenest of pleasure to the senses and stirs emotion through the senses. e.g. beautiful mountain scenery
LOVELY is close to BEAUTIFUL but applies to a narrower range of emotional excitation in suggesting the graceful, delicate, or exquisite. e.g. a lovely melody
e.g. a handsome Georgian mansion
PRETTY often applies to superficial or insubstantial attractiveness. e.g. a painter of conventionally pretty scenes
COMELY is like HANDSOME in suggesting what is coolly approved rather than emotionally responded to. e.g. the comely grace of a dancer
FAIR suggests beauty because of purity, flawlessness, or freshness. e.g. fair of face
〈男性(の顔)が〉ハンサムな, 美男子の, 顔立ちの整った
〈女性が〉きりっとした, 威厳のある (!女性の場合は健康的ではつらつとした様子を表す)
〈建物・庭・動物などが〉立派な外見の, 均整のとれた, 見事な
e.g. handsome cookbooks
e.g. a handsome country town.
〖名詞の前で〗かなりの〈金額など〉; 気前のよい, 手厚い, 寛大な〈贈り物・申し出など〉(generous); 大差の〈勝利〉 e.g. elected by a handsome majority.
proverb character and behavior are more important than appearance.