source: [手を差し伸べられた少女が顔を赤くするGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 873979] noun
(計画・意見などへの)支持, 賛成
e.g. the legislation is viewed with favor.
えこひいき, 偏愛
e.g. they accused you of showing favor to one of the players.
⦅米⦆ (パーティなどで客がもらう)ささやかな贈り物, 記念品
e.g. good party favors include stickers, hair barrettes, or crayons.
⦅英⦆ (政党・サッカーチームなどの支持者が付ける)バッジ, リボン
親切な行為, 手助け; ひいき
e.g. I've come to ask you a favor.
⦅やや古⦆ ; 〖通例one's ~s〗 情交, 性交, 体を許すこと
e.g. she had granted her favors to him.
verb with object
…に賛成する, …を好む; 〈人が〉…を支持する
e.g. slashing public spending is a policy that few politicians favor.
«…よりも» 〈人〉をえこひいきする, 好む «over» ; …をかばう
e.g. critics argued that the policy favored the private sector.
e.g. natural selection has favored bats.
⦅かたく⦆ ; 〖~ A with B〗 A〈人〉にB〈特別の計らい・親切な行為など〉をしてあげる; A〈人〉にB〈物〉を与える
e.g. please favor me with an answer.
⦅主に米・くだけて⦆ 〈親など〉に似ている (!⦅英⦆ では⦅やや古⦆ )
e.g. she's pretty, and she favors you.
〈負傷した部分〉をいたわる; …をそっと使う
e.g. he favors his sore leg.
do something for someone as an act of kindness.
1. (also out of favor) meeting (or not meeting) with approval: they were not in favor with the party | proper dancing has gone out of favor.
2. having or showing approval: the appeals court ruled 2-1 in favor of his extradition.
to one's advantage: events were moving in his favor.
1. to be replaced by: he stepped down as leader in favor of his rival.
2. to the advantage of: the final score was 25-16 in favor of Washington.