verb with object
【危険な場所から/安全な場所へ】〈人〉を避難[疎開]させる «from, out of/to»
e.g. several families were evacuated from their homes.
〈人が〉〈危険な場所など〉から避難する, …を明け渡す; 〘軍〙 〈軍隊が〉…から撤退する
e.g. fire alarms forced staff to evacuate the building
e.g. no object : residents have to evacuate because of a hurricane.
〘軍〙 〈兵隊など〉を撤退[撤兵]させる
e.g. the last American troops evacuated the Canal Zone.
〈中身〉を取り出す; 〈容器など〉を空にする; 〖~ A of B〗 A〈容器など〉からB〈内容物〉をあける
e.g. when it springs a leak, evacuate the pond
e.g. (as adjective evacuated) : an evacuated bulb. ⦅かたく⦆ 〈便など〉を排泄する
e.g. he evacuated time and history of significance.