source: [低燃費少女のハイジが叫んだら山の向こうのに誰か出てきたGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 138957] こだま, 山びこ, 反響; 反響音
e.g. the walls threw back the echoes of his footsteps.
〘電〙 (レーダーなどの)反射波
反復, 繰り返し
e.g. his love for her found an echo in her own feelings.
e.g. the cheese has a sharp rich aftertaste with echoes of salty, earthy pastures.
模倣者, 付和雷同する人
〘トランプ〙 エコー〘ブリッジで不必要に高位の札を出すプレー〙
〈音などが〉反響する (!通例場所を表す〖副詞〗を伴う)
e.g. their footsteps echoed on the metal catwalks.
〈場所が〉 «…を» 反響させる, 〈場所に〉 «…が» 響き渡る «to, with»
e.g. the house echoed with shouts and thundering feet.
⦅書⦆ 〈他人の言葉〉を繰り返す, 反復する
e.g. these criticisms are echoed in a number of other studies
⦅書⦆ 〖直接話法〗…とおうむ返しに言う
e.g. with direct speech : “A trip?” she echoed.
〈物・事が〉…に類似する; …を思わせる
e.g. a blue suit that echoed the color of her eyes.
e.g. for security reasons, the password will not be echoed to the screen.