noun |ˈdisˌkôrs|
(真剣な)対話, 会談, 談話.
e.g. the language of political discourse
e.g. an imagined discourse between two people traveling in France.
«…についての» 講演, 講義, 説教; 論文 «on, upon»
e.g. a discourse on critical theory.
〘文法〙 話法; 〘言〙 談話〘自然な発話の連続体〙
verb |disˈkôrs| no object
⦅かたく⦆ «…について» (かたい調子で長々と)論ずる, 語る; 講演[演説, 説教]する «on, upon»
e.g. she could discourse at great length on the history of Europe.
«…と» 話す «with»
e.g. he spent an hour discoursing with his supporters in the courtroom.