source: [はたらく魔王さま!の佐々木千穂が体にゾワゾワと悪寒を走らせるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 100621] noun
〖通例単数形で〗寒さ, 冷たさ
e.g. there was a chill in the air
e.g. the disease begins abruptly with chills, headaches, and dizziness.
寒け, 悪寒(おかん), (寒けを伴う)かぜ
e.g. we had better return before you catch a chill.
e.g. a long-term chill in relations could hurt commerce.
〖単数形で〗興ざめ, 落胆
e.g. his statements have cast a chill over this whole country.
e.g. a chill ran down my spine
e.g. his words sent a chill of apprehension down my spine.
verb with object
〖通例be ~ed〗 〈人が〉凍える
e.g. I'm chilled to the bone.
〈食べ物・飲み物など〉を冷やす, 冷蔵する (!⦅レシピ⦆ ではしばしば目的語が省略される)
e.g. chill the soup slightly before serving.
e.g. the beers are chilling in the cooler.
⦅文⦆ 〈人〉を怖がらせる, ぞっとさせる
e.g. the city was chilled by the violence
e.g. (as adjective chilling) : a chilling account of the prisoners' fate. e.g. I can lean back and chill
e.g. chill out, okay?
くつろいで過ごす, 一息入れる
e.g. we had a week at home and we chilled out.
e.g. the chill gray dawn
e.g. figurative : the chill winds of public censure.
e.g. the island is really chill and laid-back
e.g. I'm kind of a relaxed, chill guy.
horrify or terrify someone.
warm slightly.