束, 包み (!通例, 同じ物がきちんと束[房]になっているbunchと違い, 持てるようにひとくくりにしてある束[包み]をいう)
e.g. a thick bundle of envelopes.
〘植〙 維管束; 〘解剖〙 (筋肉の)繊維束
〘コンピュ〙 付属ソフト, バンドル〘コンピュータに付属のソフトウェア〙
⦅くだけて⦆ 〖単数形で〗大金
e.g. the new printer cost a bundle.
«…に» 〈人・物〉をすばやく押し込む, 詰め込む «into»
e.g. she quickly bundled up her clothes.
【衣類などで】〈人〉をくるんで暖かくする(up) «in» (!しばしば受け身で) .
e.g. they were bundled up in thick sweaters
e.g. no object : I bundled up in my parka.
〘コンピュ〙 【コンピュータなどに】〈付属品・ソフト〉を無料で添付する, «…と» …を一括販売する «with, into»
e.g. he was bundled into a van.
〈人〉を追いやる, せきたてる(off)
e.g. the old man was bundled off into exile.
«…へ» (束になって)急いで入る «into»
e.g. they bundled out into the corridor.
e.g. he would dance at country frolics and bundle with the Yankee lasses.
informal, often ironic often with negative something extremely amusing or pleasant:
e.g. the last year hasn't been a bundle of fun.
a person who is extremely timid or tense.
informal a newborn baby.