To be in the ballpark in the figurative sense of "within an acceptable range of approximation" is first recorded 1954, originally in the jargon of atomic weapons scientists, perhaps referring to the area within which a missile was expected to return to earth; the idea is broad but reasonably predictable dimensions. Hence ballpark (adj.) "approximate" (1967), of figures, etc. 「概算の受け入れられる範囲内で」の比喩的な意味のbe in the ballparkは元々は原子力兵器科学者のジャーゴンの中で、恐らくミサイルが地球に戻ってくると予想された範囲に言及している形で1954年に最初に記録されている。この概念は広いが適切に予想できる範囲だ。ここから1967年にballpark(形容詞)「概算の」(数字など)。
The result, according to the author's estimate, is a stockpile equivalent to one billion tons of TNT. Assuming this estimate is "in the ball park," clearly there is valid reason for urging candor on the part of our government. Ralph E. Lapp, "Atomic Candor," in "Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists," October 1954
⦅米⦆ 野球場.
⦅主に米・くだけて⦆ 〖単数形で〗概算; 妥当な範囲
e.g. we can make a pretty good guess that this figure's in the ballpark.: 私達はおおよその見当内でこの図形のとても良い推測ができる。
adjective attributive informal
e.g. the ballpark figure is $400–500.: 概算の数字は400~500ドルだ
e.g. If you don’t have the exact expense total, just ballpark it.: もしあなたが正確な出費の合計を持っていないのなら、それを概算するだけでいいです。