source: [手錠されちゃった少女|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 1948871] verb with object
〈警察などが〉 «…の罪で» 〈人〉を逮捕する, 検挙する «for»
e.g. two youths aged 16 were arrested.
⦅かたく⦆ 〈発達・進行・病気など〉をくい止める, 阻止する, 遅らせる
e.g. the spread of the disease can be arrested
e.g. (as adjective arrested) : arrested development may occur. e.g. they were trying to resuscitate a patient who had arrested.
⦅かたく⦆ 〈事・物などが〉〈人の注意・関心〉を引く, 引きつける(attract) e.g. his attention was arrested by a strange sound.
e.g. I have a warrant for your arrest
e.g. they placed her under arrest
e.g. at least 69 arrests were made.
〘医〙 停止, 止まる, 止めること
e.g. a respiratory arrest.