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ruin: 何かに損害を与えたり完全に否定的な影響を与えてその価値をすべて失わせ, それを使えない状態や再起不能な状態にしてしまうことをいう spoil: 何かよい状態のものを悪い状態にして, 台無しにしてしまうことをいうが, あるべき状態をわずかに損なっている場合にも用い, ruinより意味は弱い DECAY implies a slow change from a state of soundness or perfection. e.g. a decaying mansion
DECOMPOSE stresses a breaking down by chemical change and when applied to organic matter a corruption. e.g. the strong odor of decomposing vegetation
ROT is a close synonym of DECOMPOSE and often connotes foulness. e.g. fruit was left to rot in warehouses
PUTREFY implies the rotting of animal matter and offensiveness to sight and smell. e.g. corpses putrefying on the battlefield
e.g. keep the ham from spoiling
«…に対して» 〈物・事〉をだめにする, 台なしにする, 損なう, 役に立たなくする «for»
e.g. I wouldn't want to spoil your fun
e.g. a series of political blunders spoiled their chances of being re-elected.
e.g. she was afraid of spoiling Christmas for the rest of the family.
〈食べ物が〉だめになる, 腐る
e.g. I've got some ham that'll spoil if we don't eat it tonight.
(好き放題にさせて)〈特に子供〉を甘やかす, 増長させる, だめにする
e.g. the last thing I want to do is spoil Thomas
e.g. (as adjective spoiled) : a spoiled child. 〈人〉を手厚くもてなす, 大切に扱う; 〈客など〉にいいものを提供する
e.g. breakfast in bed—you're spoiling me!
⦅くだけて⦆ ; 〖be ~ing〗 【けんかなどをしたくて】うずうずしている «for» .
e.g. Cooper was spoiling for a fight.
⦅かたく・文⦆ ; 〖通例the ~s〗 戦利品; 強奪, 略奪品
e.g. the looters carried their spoils away. (掘削作業などで出た土砂などの)廃物