/icons/point.icon 有名な
prominent: 〘ややかたく・主に書〙 で, 他より卓越しておりよく知られていること celebrated: 〘書〙 で, 芸術家・作品などが認知され注目されて有名なことで, 皆からの敬愛・名誉を暗示する eminent: 〘主に書〙 で, 専門家・芸術家などがその分野で頂点にあると認識され, 有名で尊敬されていること /icons/point.icon NOTICEABLE, REMARKABLE, PROMINENT, OUTSTANDING, CONSPICUOUS, SALIENT, STRIKING mean attracting notice or attention. NOTICEABLE applies to something unlikely to escape observation. e.g. a piano recital with no noticeable errors
REMARKABLE applies to something so extraordinary or exceptional as to invite comment. e.g. a film of remarkable intelligence and wit
e.g. a doctor who occupies a prominent position in the town
OUTSTANDING applies to something that rises above and excels others of the same kind. e.g. honored for her outstanding contributions to science
CONSPICUOUS applies to something that is obvious and unavoidable to the sight or mind. e.g. conspicuous bureaucratic waste
SALIENT applies to something of significance that merits the attention given it. e.g. the salient points of the speech
STRIKING applies to something that impresses itself powerfully and deeply upon the observer's mind or vision. e.g. the region's striking poverty
⦅ややかたく・主に書⦆ 〈人が〉 «…で» 卓越[傑出]した, 有名な «in»; 〈立場が〉重要な(important) e.g. she was a prominent member of the city council.
〈体の部位などが〉突き出した, 突起した
e.g. a man with big, prominent eyes like a lobster's.
〈場所・特徴などが〉 «…において» 目立つ, 顕著な «in»
e.g. the new housing developments are prominent landmarks.