/icons/point.icon OPPOSE, COMBAT, RESIST, WITHSTAND mean to set oneself against someone or something.
OPPOSE can apply to any conflict, from mere objection to bitter hostility or warfare. e.g. opposed the plan
COMBAT stresses the forceful or urgent countering of something. e.g. combat disease
RESIST implies an overt recognition of a hostile or threatening force and a positive effort to counteract or repel it. e.g. resisting temptation
WITHSTAND suggests a more passive resistance. e.g. trying to withstand peer pressure
source: [ケロベロスに反対するさくらのGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 687293] verb with object
〖~ A/doing〗 〈人などが〉A〈計画・考えなど〉…することに反対する, 抵抗する; A, …することを阻止しようとする (!⦅話⦆ ではbe againstの方がよく用いられる) e.g. those of you who oppose capital punishment.
〈人など〉と敵対する, …に挑む
e.g. off-roaders who adamantly opposed new trail restrictions.
e.g. a candidate to oppose the leader in the presidential contest.