/icons/point.icon VIGOROUS, ENERGETIC, STRENUOUS, LUSTY, NERVOUS mean having or showing great vitality and force. VIGOROUS further implies showing no signs of depletion or diminishing of freshness or robustness. e.g. as vigorous as a youth half his age
ENERGETIC suggests a capacity for intense activity. e.g. an energetic campaigner
STRENUOUS suggests a preference for coping with the arduous or the challenging. e.g. the strenuous life on an oil rig
LUSTY implies exuberant energy and capacity for enjoyment. e.g. a lusty appetite for life
e.g. full of nervous energy
〖通例名詞の前で〗神経質な, 神経過敏な, 臆病な, 心配性の〈人・行動〉
e.g. a sensitive, nervous person
e.g. these quick, nervous birds.
〖通例be ~〗 〈人が〉 «…に» 不安で, 心配して; 緊張して, びくびくして «about» , ⦅英⦆ «of, at, that節» (→ tense) e.g. staying in the house on her own made her nervous
e.g. I was nervous about my new job.
e.g. nervous energy.
2. relating to or affecting the nerves: 比較なし 〖名詞の前で〗神経の, 神経性の, 神経に作用する
e.g. a nervous disorder.