Byleth: (もうソティスの声は聞こえない……)(I can't hear Sothis's voice anymore...)
エーデルガルト: 師、帝都までついてきてくれて、本当にありがとう。▼
エーデルガルト: 師、戻ったわ。すべきことは滞りなく終わった。▼
What does it mean?
フェルディナント: エーデルガルトも、ヒューベルトも、今節は異様に忙しそうにしているな。
Ferdinand: Edelgard and Hubert have been busier than usual.
Constantly coming and going, in and out of Garreg Mach. Perhaps they are doing something in the Empire?
As the legitimate heir of the Aegir family, I have not heard anything about it.
But if it were significant, I am sure my father would have told me.
There's something I wish to investigate.
リンハルト: あ、先生、無事ですか?ハンネマン先生に何かされてません?
Linhardt: How are you, Professor? Did Hanneman make his, "I will do no harm" speech or promise "this won't hurt a bit" when he asked to study you? Both?
I've a bit of research I'd like to perform. Nothing so crass as Hanneman's poking, prodding, and drawing of blood. No, I wish to investigate Crest power itself.
Crest power must have some kind of limit, right?
Lady Rhea says any limits must be the protection of the goddess, but that doesn't quite answer it for me. Hmm...
You got even stronger!
カスパル: 先生、また強くなったんだよな!くそー、目標が遠いぜ!
Caspar: You're so strong now! I'm starting to understand why you were appointed professor.
カスパル: けど、それでこそ先生だ!これからもオレたちを指導してくれ!
Caspar: I thought I was stronger, but I still have such a long way to go.
Choice 1: 追いついてみせて Try to catch up to me. (Caspar ⤴)
カスパル: もちろんそのつもりだぜ!オレは、先生にだっていつか勝つ!
Caspar: Oh, I will. I still plan on beating you some day!
Choice 2: 優しく指導しよう I'll help you get there.
カスパル: 優しくー?がんがん厳しくやってくれていいんだぜ?
Caspar: You'd better not go easy on me. I need your training to be strict if I'm gonna get any better!
ベルナデッタ: お腹空いたなあ……。あっ、先生?
Bernadetta: So hungry... Oh, is that you, Professor?
Sorry. I'm really not feeling well this month.
Even leaving my room for dinner is just too much.
It's got nothing to do with your, um...changes.
So, um, don't open the door, please!
You've been awfully distant lately...
ドロテア: 最近、何だか先生が遠いなあって、感じるんですけど。
Dorothea: Recently, Professor, I feel as though you've been a bit distant.
It's like you're sort of floating above the clouds, separate from other people...
And like you've got no interest at all in ever coming back down. How can I help?
Choice 1: 遠くないから心配しないで I'm not being distant, so don't worry.
Choice 2: そう言われても…… I don't know what to say to that. (Dorothea ⤴)
ドロテア: ふふふっ、大丈夫です。ちょっと言ってみたかっただけですから。
Dorothea: Hey, don't worry. I thought maybe I'd ask and see what you'd say.
In Brigid, we have legends...
ペトラ: ブリギット、伝承、あります。人の身、宿る、精霊の話です。
Petra: In Brigid, we have legends. Stories containing people who have a spirit living inside of them.
Those spirit people have much strength. They are maybe able to fly in the air or race across the ocean.
Hair that shines and eyes that glow... They have qualities that are not unlike what you are looking like, Professor.
Choice 1: 流石に空は飛べない I can't fly.
ペトラ: 本当、ですか?翼、生え、空、飛びません?
Petra: Are you knowing that for certain? Maybe you will have wings that grow and soar through the sky...
Choice 2: 確かに似ているかも Perhaps. (Petra ⤴)
ペトラ: 先生、伝承のよう、凄絶な、力、示すでしょう。
Petra: Do not have doubt, Professor. The powers you have are like the powers of the legends.
Dedue: Your Highness...
Dimitri: You're exaggerating.
ドゥドゥー: ……頼む、先生。お前の口からも、殿下に休めと言って差し上げてほしい。
Dedue: Professor. Please. If he hears it from you that he needs to rest, perhaps His Highness will listen.
ディミトリ: だから……おおげさだ。顔色が優れないから休め、などと。
Dimitri: He's exaggerating. He thinks my color is off and that rest will cure all.
I have a headache, but that's just from lack of sleep. It's not going to stop me from completing this month's mission.
Choice 1: 休んだほうがいい You should rest. (Dedue ⤴)
ドゥドゥー: 殿下。先生もこう言っているのです。せめて課題までの間だけはお休みください。
Dedue: The professor agrees. Please rest. At least until the task is at hand.
ディミトリ: ……断る。床に就いたところで、どうせ休まらない。
Dimitri: I won't. Even if I tried, it's not like I would get any decent sleep. It would only be a waste of time.
Choice 2: それくらいなら…… Don't overexert yourself.
ドゥドゥー: だが……。
Dedue: I must insist—
ディミトリ: まったく……。お前は俺の母親か、ドゥドゥー。
Dimitri: Who do you think you are? I can take care of myself, Dedue.
ディミトリ: ……まあ、何はともあれ、だ。今節も一緒に頑張ろう、先生。
Dimitri: In any case, we won't let you down this month, Professor. You can rely on us.
I can't wait.
フェリクス: おい……悪いことは言わん。早くあの猪を檻にでも繋いでおけ。
Felix: Hurry up and cage the wild boar. Look, he's losing his grip.
Even in his swordplay, he's getting sloppy. If he keeps progressing like this, he's going to get himself killed.
フェリクス: クロニエ、ソロン……奴らが死んでも、まだ敵は残っている。
Felix: Kronya, Solon... They're dead, but we still have a glut of enemies.
We still have to take down the Death Knight and the Flame Emperor.
Our next battle is fast approaching. I'm ready for it.
The Holy Tomb...
アッシュ: 聖墓って、どんなところなんでしょうか。僕、全然想像つかないんですけど……。
Ashe: I can't even imagine what it must be like inside the Holy Tomb.
Choice 1: 自分もわからない I don't know either. (Ashe ⤴)
アッシュ: 聖墓って、要するにお墓……なんですよね。それも、地下深くにある……。
Ashe: Well, it's probably a grave, that much is for sure. And it's likely underground. Beyond that, who knows?
Choice 2: お墓なのでは…… It's just a place to bury people.
アッシュ: そ、そういうことですよね……。神聖な場所だとしても、お墓はお墓……。
Ashe: I guess you're right. Holy or not, all graves are kind of the same, aren't they?
アッシュ: 啓示を受ける儀式って、いったいどんな儀式なんでしょうね……?
Ashe: I can't help but wonder though... Just what kind of ritual is this?
That color...
シルヴァン: しかし、何だか本当に別人みたいになっちまいましたねえ。
Sylvain: I swear, it's like you're an entirely different person.
シルヴァン: お、先生? ……だよな。いや失礼、一瞬、人違いかと思って。
Choice 1: 中身は変わっていない I haven't changed on the inside.
シルヴァン: ははは、まあ、そりゃあそうでしょうよ。見てればわかるさ、何となくね。
Sylvain: Heh, I guess you're right. If I look hard, I can still tell it's you.
Choice 2: 変だろうか? Isn't it weird? (Sylvain ⤴)
シルヴァン: いやいや、ちょっと慣れないだけで、よーく似合ってますよ。
Sylvain: No, not at all! I'm just not used to it. It really suits you though.
シルヴァン: いやいや、変じゃない。その色も、先生の麗しい顔によく似合って……
Sylvain: It's not weird at all. It's... You're somehow even more beautiful than before.
I'm joking! I'm joking! Don't get mad.
Ingrid: Maybe Seiros herself transformed.
Mercedes: Hmm, I've never heard that...
イングリット: 女神様から力を授かっただなんて……やはり先生は、特別な方だったのですね。
Ingrid: You've been granted this power by the goddess herself. Truly, you must be a very special individual.
Maybe Seiros transformed before receiving her revelation too!
メルセデス: う~ん、私の知る限りだと、そういう話は聞いたことがないけれど~……
Mercedes: Hmm. I haven't heard anything about that before...
Maybe that part never found its way into the legend?
イングリット: セイロス様には、その力を正しく使い、民を救い導けと啓示が下ったそうですが……
Ingrid: It is told that Seiros had a revelation instructing her to use her power for good, and to lead the people of Fódlan to salvation...
I wonder what sort of revelation you might have, Professor.
アネット: ……わっ、先生! ご、ごめんなさい。何度見ても、なかなか慣れなくて……。
Annette: Bah! Professor! Sorry, this will take some getting used to...
アネット: ……わっ、先生!ごめんなさい、ちょっと驚いちゃいました。
アネット: 髪の色も目の色も全然違うから、まるで先生じゃないみたいで。
Annette: Your hair and eye color are completely different! You just don't look like yourself anymore.
Choice 1: 見た目だけだ It's only my appearance that has changed. (Annette ⤴)
アネット: えへへ……そうですよね。あたしったら、何言ってるんだろ。
Annette: Of course. You're right. I'm just being silly, as usual.
Choice 2: 本当に別人かも…… Maybe I am a different person...
アネット: もう、変なこと言わないでくださいっ。先生は先生でしょう? ……ですよね?
Annette: Don't scare me like that! You are still you...right? You are, right?
Take care of yourself, Teach…
クロード: よう、先生。一人で出歩いて大丈夫なのか?また急にぶっ倒れたりしないでくれよ。
Claude: Hey, Teach. Is it OK for you to be out on your own right now? Just…please be careful not to topple over again.
You scared us nearly to death. Anyway… Doesn't Rhea want something from you?
Sounds important. I'm glad I'll be there to witness the ritual at the Holy Tomb.
I want to see whether or not something happens with my own eyes.
You're extraordinary…
クロード: あんたは普通じゃないとは思ってたが、いよいよ人間離れしてきたなあ。
Claude: I always knew there was something special about you, but you've only gotten more and more extraordinary the longer I've know you.
That transformation was just the beginning, wasn't it? I have a feeling that things will only grow more dire from here on out.
I cannot keep up...
ローレンツ: ……正直に言うが、最近の事件については流石の僕もまったくついていけていない。
モニカがクロニエ? トマシュがソロン?奴らはいったい、何者だったんだ。
Lorenz: To be honest, I cannot keep up with all that's been happening recently.
Monica was actually Kronya. Tomas was actually Solon. Who were these people?
What about you, Professor? You are a true ally, yes?
Choice 1: そのつもり That's my intention. (Lorenz ⤴)
ローレンツ: そのつもり、か……。頼りない答えだが、今は信じるしかあるまい。
Lorenz: Not the most convincing answer you could have given. Still, I simply must take you at your word.
Choice 2: わからない I don't know.
ローレンツ: やれやれ……しっかりしてくれたまえ。僕たちを導くのが教師の役目だろう?
Lorenz: Pull yourself together! It is still your duty to lead us, is it not?
You changed so much...
ラファエル: あんた、先生だよなあ?随分変わっちまって……。
Raphael: You look so...different. You're still our professor in there, right?
Did anything else change besides your hair and eyes? Are your arms bigger? How do your abs look?
Choice 1: 変わったかも I've changed quite a bit. (Raphael ⤴)
ラファエル: おお、そうなのか!? いいなあ、オデにも変身のやり方を教えてくれよお。
Raphael: Really?! You gotta teach me how to do that!
Choice 2: 変わってないと思う I haven't changed that much.
ラファエル: なんだ、そうなのか?じゃあ、あんまり意味なかったなあ!
Raphael: That's disappointing. What's even the point?
Imagine if she appears.
イグナーツ: 今節の課題、聖墓での儀式だそうですね。そこで女神様の啓示を受けるって……。
Ignatz: So, this month's mission is to take part in a ritual at the Holy Tomb, where you will receive a revelation from the goddess herself.
What if she really appears? What if I finally get to gaze upon her radiance?
I've always imagined the goddess--how beautiful she must be!
イグナーツ: 先生! 聖墓で儀式に臨まれるそうですね?そこで女神様の啓示を受けるって……。
Ignatz: You're going to the ritual at the Holy Tomb, right? I hear that a revelation from the goddess is expected.
What if she shows herself? I'll be so jealous!
What's up with that look?
リシテア: その髪と目の色……先生の身に何が起こったんですか?
Lysithea: Your hair! And your eyes! What happened to you?!
You didn't lose something as a result of gaining those powers, did you?
Choice 1: 心配ない Don't worry—I'm fine. (Relationship with Lysithea up)
リシテア: そうですか……安心しました。あの、無理はしないでくださいね。
Lysithea: I see. Well, that makes me feel better. But still, be careful.
Choice 2: まだわからない I don't know yet.
リシテア: 過剰な力に、体が耐えられなくなることもあります……。無理は控えてくださいね。
Lysithea: Sometimes our frail bodies don’t do well with excess power… So don’t push yourself too hard.
Marianne: Was it a divine revelation?
Hilda: What's going on?
マリアンヌ: かつて聖者セイロスは主より啓示を授かり、大いなる力を得たとか……。
Marianne: Long ago, Saint Seiros was gifted with a divine revelation from the goddess, as well as incredible power.
Is that what happened to you too, Professor?
ヒルダ: えー? でも啓示を受ける前に、先生ってば変身しちゃってますよねー?
Hilda: No way! The professor transformed before receiving any kind of divine revelation, right? Still, I wonder. Does the fact that you've changed really mean you've been granted some kind of power?
マリアンヌ: では、儀式で受ける啓示とは、どのような……?
Marianne: If that's the case, then what sort of revelation can be gained from the ritual?
ヒルダ: その力でフォドラの民を救うのです……みたいなお言葉を授かるだけじゃなーい?
Hilda: I'm guessing the revelation will just be a gentle reminder to use this new power to save the people of Fódlan.
What else is there to say? You don't actually believe we're going to hear the voice of the goddess, do you?
You even surprised the other professors...
レオニー: 先生のその変貌ぶりを見たら、師匠も驚いただろうね……。
Leonie: When you changed, even the other professors were taken completely by surprise.
There's a ritual at the Holy Tomb this month, isn't there? I wonder what will happen with that.
I'm sure you'll be all right. But don't lose sight of who you really are, OK?
However you may change, and whatever new power goes along with those changes--you'll still be the same person, deep down. Remember that.
セテス: ………………。
Seteth: Hmm...
Ah. It is you.
I am sorry, but I have a lot on my mind. I would prefer to be alone right now.
Professor, I am so happy.
フレン: 先生、わたくし嬉しいですわ。髪や瞳の色が似て、お揃いみたいですもの。
Flayn: Professor, I am so happy. Your new hair and eye color suit you well. We make quite the pair!
But...recently I sense that things are a bit strained between Lady Rhea and my brother.
She wants to do something at the Holy Tomb. I do not know what, but...
Hm. Whenever it has concluded, I hope they will return to their friendship, as it has always been...
Tell me. What are you, really?
ハンネマン: 君はいったい……何者なのだね、本当に。その姿形は炎の紋章のせいなのか?
Hanneman: Are you positive? Really? Your appearance is due to the influence of the Crest of Flames? Intriguing.
Unfortunately, I have found no record of Nemesis's hair and eye color ever changing.
However... If that transformation was brought on, in part, by the power of the Crest, that would be most... Well, I suppose interesting is too small a word.
Still, it would be an absolutely exceptional discovery. To know for certain, we must investigate further. So, clothes off!
Byleth: ………………。 ...
ハンネマン: ……いや、すまない。体の他の部分に変化がないか見たかっただけなのだ。
Hanneman: What? A full physical is in order, yes? We need to know if this transformation affected you adversely. Don't worry, it won't hurt a bit.
ハンネマン: マヌエラを……マヌエラ先生を呼んで確認してもらうしかあるまいな。
Hanneman: Oh! Yes. I...I should call Manuela. My apologies.
I never imagined...
マヌエラ: 聖墓、ねえ。ガルグ=マクの地下にそんなものが……。▼
Manuela: The Holy Tomb, huh?
I've worked here for years, and this is the first I've heard of it.
I mean, it does make some sense. Sort of. Something about it is still weird.
I understand now why they'd build the monastery in the mountainous center of Fódlan.
Although... When the monastery was built, the Kingdom and the Alliance weren't even around yet.
But look how cleverly it was placed right in the middle of the Empire, Kingdom, and Alliance. That's weird, right?
Something big is coming
カトリーヌ: 前節の戦いで、敵の戦力は相当、削れてるとアタシは見てる。
Catherine: In our battle last month, we really cut the enemy down to size.
But there are other enemies we have yet to hunt down, not the least the Flame Emperor.
Once we've crushed them all, we can return to our peaceful lives at the monastery.
It will happen soon. I have a feeling something big is coming.
What is this place?
シャミア: やたらと長生きする奴がいたり、髪の色が変わる奴がいたり……
Shamir: People who live an inordinately long time, people whose hair changes color, and those odd Heroes' Relics...
Is Fódlan some mystical land full of inhuman creatures?
Choice 1: そんなことはない It's not like that.
シャミア: ま、そうだな。今のとこ、あんたはまだ人間に見える。
Shamir: You still look human. For now, at least.
Choice 2: フォドラの外では違うのか Is the world different outside Fódlan? (Relationship with Shamir up)
シャミア: さあな、知りたきゃ行ってみるといい。おすすめは帝国より更に西だ。
Shamir: You should see for yourself. I'd recommend exploring west of the Empire.
I just keep thinking...
ギルベルト: 時々、考えるのです。ガルグ=マクを出て、居るべき場所に戻るべきではないのか、と。
Gilbert: Sometimes, I find myself thinking I should leave Garreg Mach and return to my home...
Where I should have been all along.
Choice 1: 居るべき場所? Where you should have been? (Gilbert ⤴)
ギルベルト: ……申し訳ありません、くだらぬことを。年寄りの戯言だと、聞き流してください。
Gilbert: Ignore me. I'm sorry...it's a silly thing. An old man's ramblings, and nothing more.
Choice 2: 止めはしないが…… I won't stop you...
ギルベルト: ……そう言えば、今節の課題には、レア様も同行されると聞きました。
Gilbert: I hear that Lady Rhea will accompany you for this month's task.
She's the pillar that supports the hearts of Fódlan's people. Her safety is paramount. I hope there are no complications...
That's amazing...
ツィリル: 先生、その髪の色……目の色も、レアさまに少し似てますよね。
Cyril: When I first saw you, Professor, with that hair color and that eye color? I thought you looked kind of like Lady Rhea. Like maybe you could be related.
I like the way it looks! I wonder if I could change my hair color too... Maybe if I tried hard enough. If I thought real hard about it, I mean.
Choice 1: どうだろう……? That would be exciting, wouldn't it? (Cyril ⤴)
ツィリル: 先生みたいに、変な場所に呑み込まれて、脱出すればいいのかな。
Cyril: All I need to do is get trapped up in a strange place and then escape, right? Just like you did.
ツィリル: 必要ないかどうかは、ボクが決めることでしょ。
Choice 2: 必要ない You don't need to do that, Cyril.
Cyril: I might not need to, but I still wanna.
Ah, look at this...
アロイス: 団長……。
……はっ、先生! いつからそこに!まったく気づかなんだぞ!
Alois: Captain...
Oh, Professor! How long have you been standing there? I didn't see you.
I was just sorting through Captain Jeralt's belongings.
I... Haven't made much progress. I keep finding things that bring back memories.
Clearing out this room of his belongings again, it's... It's not easy.
You haven't a thing to worry about...
レア: 何も心配することはないのですよ。あなたは主の力を授かったのですから。
Rhea: You haven't a thing to worry about. You have been gifted the power of the goddess.
Furthermore, you have overcome the death of your father, Jeralt...and you have destroyed countless of our wicked foes.
I am proud...so very proud of who you have become.
レア: ふふ……あとは聖墓で儀式を行えば、すべて上手くいくでしょう。▼
Choice 1: ありがとう Thank you. (Rhea ⤴)
Rhea: Once we finish the ritual at the Holy Mausoleum, all will be well.
Choice 2: 不安だ I'm uneasy.
レア: そうでしょうね。ですが、そんな不安も……
Rhea: That is understandable.
Just know that your unease should disappear the moment we conclude the ritual at the Holy Mausoleum.
You seem...different
アンナ: あら、先生。少し雰囲気が変わったわね。
Anna: Hey, Professor. You seem...different.
Lots of things seem...different around here lately. I've noticed it. Have you?
門番: 先生、お疲れ様です!本日も異常なしであります!
Gatekeeper: Greetings, Professor! Nothing to report!
Although I suppose...you are something to report! For a moment, I thought you were someone suspicious!
Lucky for you, I am quite perceptive. It took only that single moment for me to recognize you.
The professor went out and got some new power!
セイロス騎士: ……モニカ、いや、クロニエは死んだ。ソロンもまた、君の手で……。▼
生徒: この間、用があって執務室の近くを通った時に……▼
修道士: しかし、今年は何かと、とんでもない年だったな……。▼
兵士: 今でこそ生徒として扱っているが、ここを卒業してしまえば雲の上の王侯貴族。▼
セイロス騎士: さっき街に出てきたんだが、いつもより、心なしか人が多い気がしてね。
ユーリス: しかし……随分と雰囲気が変わったよな。いやもちろん、これはこれで悪くねえが。▼
ユーリス: ……よし、冗談は言えるみたいだな。ならそこまで心配しなくてもいいか。▼
ユーリス: ふうん……? じゃあ本当に外見だけの変化ってことか? んなわけあるかよ。▼
ユーリス: まあ何にせよ、俺はあんたとの付き合い方を変えようってつもりはねえよ、安心しな。▼
バルタザール: おいおい……お前の体、どうなってんだ?人体の神秘にも程があんだろ。▼
ところで女神様に会ったんだってな。どうだった? とんでもねえ美貌だったか?▼
バルタザール: そうか! ……信徒をやめなくてよかった。これからも主への想いを胸に拳を振るうぜ。▼
バルタザール: なんだ、そうなのか?聞いてた話と違うじゃねえか。▼
コンスタンツェ: その姿、先生が主のお力を授かったという話は本当だったのですわね。▼
ハピ: でも、キミはキミじゃん。それとも違う人になったとか?▼
ハピ: だよね。これで今までみたいに話せなくなったらヤだなと思ってさ。▼
ハピ: ……面白くないし。でも、変わってないみたいで良かったよ。▼
コンスタンツェ: とはいえ、貴方が特別な存在であることがこれで明確になりましたわね。▼
ハピ: 特別なせいで、いろいろ巻き込まれないといーけど。もう手遅れっぽい?▼
番人: 先生、お疲れさんです。ここは本日も異常ありですよ。▼
住人: おお!? あんたか!?誰かと思ったぜ。▼
ごろつき: ……アタシ、ヤべえのに声かけられたんだ。たぶん貴族の使いかなんかだと思うけど。▼