???: ……うぅっ……く……ぁああっ……!お……さぁっ! ……けっ……!
???: Uhh... Agh... Fath... Save...
Byleth: ……!? ...
Choice 1: 誰だろう Who could that be?
ソティス: まさか、お化けということはあるまいな。
Sothis: A ghost, perhaps? No, that is surely not the case.
Choice 2: お化け? Is that...a ghost?
ソティス: ここは修道院なんじゃろ?お化けなどいてたまるものか。
Sothis: We are within a monastery! No ghost would dare set foot in here...
ソティス: ……何じゃ、その目は!わしはお化けなぞではないわ!
Sothis: What is that look upon your face? I am no ghost, if that is what was on your mind!
???: ……ぐうぅ……はっ!?誰!?
???: No... Agh... Huh?! Who's there?!
エーデルガルト: ……師。こんな時間に、どうしたの?
Edelgard: Professor... What are you doing here?
Choice 1: 声が聞こえた I heard something.
エーデルガルト: 声? 何かしらね。私が寝言でも言っていたのかしら。
Edelgard: Oh? Perhaps I was talking in my sleep.
Choice 2: 夜這いに I was restless.
エーデルガルト: よば……!?師、意味がわかっているの!?
Edelgard: What could that possibly mean?
エーデルガルト: ……冗談よね。もう……驚かせないで。
Edelgard: In any case, please don't scare me like that.
Byleth: うなされていた? Bad dreams?
エーデルガルト: ……まあ、それを問う時点で、聞こえてしまったのでしょう。
Edelgard: Ah... So you heard me, then.
Yes, it was a nightmare. I've had them since I was a child.
Stupid, pointless dreams I can't control... It's terribly frustrating.
Choice 1: どんな夢? What are they about?
エーデルガルト: 昔の夢よ。私がまだ私でなかった頃の、つまらない夢。
Edelgard: childhood. A time before I had realized who I was destined to become.
Choice 2: 自分は出てくる? Anything I can help with?
エーデルガルト: 出てこないわ。ずっと昔の、つまらない夢よ。
Edelgard: No. They're just worthless dreams of the past. Talking about it won't change a thing.
Choice 1: 内容を教えて You can trust me with anything.
エーデルガルト: そう言うと思った。……いいわ。
Edelgard: I had a feeling you'd say that. I suppose I could try...
Choice 2: そう…… It's none of my business.
エーデルガルト: 興味がなくなった?……折角だから、聞いていって。
Edelgard: Perhaps not. Still, here you are. Maybe I can trust you with this...
エーデルガルト: 誰にも言わないと約束できるなら、だけれど……。
Edelgard: But only if you swear not to tell a soul.
Choice 2: How could such a thing happen...
エーデルガルト: 動かなくなった兄……助けを求める姉……理解できない言葉を話す妹……
Edelgard: I appreciate it.
I dream older brother, paralyzed, helpless... my older sister crying for help that never came... the youngest babbling words beyond meaning.
I see my family dying slowly, waiting in the darkest depths for a glimmer of light.
I once had ten siblings, eight older and two younger.
Such a large family, and yet I became the heir to the throne. Do you know why?
Every last one of them was crippled by disease or lost their mind or died.
I was the only one left who could inherit the throne.
Choice 1: そんなことが…… That's awful.
Choice 2: 何か理由が?How could such a thing happen...
エーデルガルト: 不幸が続いたの。そして、私だけが生き残った……。
Edelgard: Things kept getting worse. The darkness kept getting darker. In the end, I was the only one who survived.
The nightmares are a never forget. To never allow such terrible things to happen again.
Byleth: 更なる不幸……? Never again...
エーデルガルト: アドラステア帝国を負って立つ者は、今もこれからも私だけ。
Edelgard: Even now, I'm the only one who can carry the weight of the Adrestian Empire.
The future of the Empire...of everything...depends on me.
Hm... I shared more than I intended to. I suppose there's something in the air tonight.
I've never told anyone about my past before. Please... forget I said anything. Sleep well, my teacher.
エーデルガルト: ……あら、師。こんな遅くに何を?
Edelgard: Ah, it's you. Out late again, I see. What brings you here?
Choice 1: そちらこそ何を I could ask you the same.
エーデルガルト: 少し外に出たくてね。夜風に当たっていたのよ。
Edelgard: I just wanted some fresh air. There's a lovely breeze tonight.
I always wander outside when sleep evades me.
Choice 2: 眠れない? Trouble sleeping?
エーデルガルト: ……そうね。
Edelgard: Is it that obvious?
I despise being cooped up when sleep evades me. I just have to get some fresh air.
Choice 1: 自分も眠れない I couldn't sleep either.
エーデルガルト: 眠れないからといって、夜更かしが過ぎるのは良くないわよ。
Edelgard: So I see. Still, it's ill-advised to stay up so late.
Choice 2: 実は眠い I'm exhausted.
エーデルガルト: ふふ、それなら私を置いて、早く寝に戻った方がいいのでは?
Edelgard: Heh, I see. Well, don't let me keep you. Hurry back to your room, my teacher.
エーデルガルト: まあ、私自身もそうなのだけれど。
Edelgard: I should get some sleep too, but...
Have you ever felt a sort of longing for the outdoors?
I have. There are times I long for the warmth of the sun, for a sweet breeze on my face...
Do you remember what I told you the other night? past?
None of my siblings had a chance to lead the sort of life they deserved. An ordinary life.
Choice 1: 忘れた Should I say I forgot? You asked me to forget…(エーデルガルトの好感度ダウン)
エーデルガルト: 本当に?まあいいわ、続きを話すわね。
Edelgard: Hm. Well, perhaps if I tell you more, it will come back to you.
Choice 2: 覚えている I remember.
エーデルガルト: その兄弟姉妹も、私も……一時、宮城の地下で鎖に繋がれていたの。
Edelgard: My siblings and I were... We were imprisoned underground, beneath the palace.
The object was to endow our bodies with the power of a Major Crest.
I have always possessed the Crest of Seiros, inherited through the Hresvelg bloodline.
But it was only a Minor Crest, and most of my siblings bore no Crest at all.
In order to create a peerless emperor to rule Fódlan, they violated our bodies by cutting open our very flesh.
Now here I stand, the fruit of that endeavor: Edelgard von Hresvelg!
But that came at too high a price... The others were sacrificed.
Ours weren't the only lives devastated by that terrible process. Innocents died as well, without even knowing what they were dying for.
And there you have it, the truth of the Hresvelg's Empire.
Major Crest なので大紋章を付与する目的
Choice 1: 誰がそんなことを? Who is to blame?
エーデルガルト: 帝国を牛耳る、宰相一派の貴族たちよ。皇帝である父は止めようとしてくれた。
Edelgard: The prime minister and his gaggle of nobles. They had the Empire under their thumbs. My father, the emperor, tried to stop them, was futile.
My father was nothing but a puppet on a string by then. He was powerless to save us.
I know how it all sounds. But when you see my true strength, you will know I speak the truth.
Choice 2: 信じられない It's unbelievable.
エーデルガルト: 私の力を見れば、納得できるわ。
Edelgard: It is. But when you see my true strength, you will know I speak the truth.
エーデルガルト: 今までは隠していた、もう一つの紋章の力。それを貴方に明かしてあげる。
Edelgard: I have kept it hidden all this time, but...I will reveal to you the power of my second Crest.
It is the same as yours...the Crest of Flames. When it manifested for me, I swore a silent oath.
For the sake of my family and for all the poor souls whose lives were traded for my existence...
For their sake, I will build a world where such meaningless sacrifice is never again sanctioned. As emperor, I will change the world. I swear it.
エーデルガルト: ふー……。嫌になるわね。
Edelgard: Ugh... I'm so sick of it all.
There is so much to be done, yet all I encounter are new problems and pitfalls.
Ugh... Sometimes I wish I could spend just one day doing absolutely nothing and gorging myself on sweets!
Choice 1: 意外だ This isn't like you.
エーデルガルト: そうかしら?私にだってそういう時はある。
Edelgard: Even I have moments of self-indulgence, you know.
Choice 2: 皇帝としての責務が…… Such are the burdens of an emperor.(ヒューベルトの好感度アップ)
エーデルガルト: ヒューベルトみたいなことを言うのね。私にだってそういう時はある。
Edelgard: You sound just like Hubert. Am I not allowed a fleeting moment of self-indulgence?
Choice 3: 付き合おう Let's do just that.
エーデルガルト: 本当に?嬉しい申し出ね。
Edelgard: Do you mean it? Just the thought makes me happy.
エーデルガルト: まあ……絶対、ヒューベルトに止められて実現しないから、やらないけれど。
Edelgard: But... Hubert would never allow it.
Byleth: 残念だ That's too bad.
エーデルガルト: ええ。今は無理でも、いつかはごろごろ……。
Edelgard: Indeed. It may not be possible now, but one day we will know the joys of idling. Mark my words.
Byleth: ………………。 …
エーデルガルト: 今、笑ったわね。そんなに私がごろごろするとおかしい?
Edelgard: Is that a smirk I spy? Is it so amusing to you, me daydreaming of free time?
Choice 1: おかしい It's pretty funny.
エーデルガルト: ……そう、師の考えはわかった。
Edelgard: I see. I'm finally getting an idea of what you think of me.
Choice 2: おかしくない You misunderstand me.
エーデルガルト: ……笑いながらだと、まったく説得力がないわよ、師。
Edelgard: Huh! Your silly grin says otherwise.
エーデルガルト: まあいいわ。それより伝えたいことがあったの。
Edelgard: But let's put that aside for now. There is something I've been meaning to tell you.
I'm afraid this might sound a bit...sentimental. However…
I want to thank you. Because of you, I feel I can walk my fated path without losing myself.
If I were alone, I might have lost perspective and become a harsh ruler with a heart of ice.
But I'm not alone. With you by my side, I'm somehow free to be not only a leader but... simply Edelgard.
Choice 1: どういたしまして I'm glad.
Choice 2: 仲間もいる You have many allies.
エーデルガルト: ええ、わかっているわ。私が素晴らしい仲間に恵まれていることも。
Edelgard: True. I am fortunate to be surrounded by many wonderful companions.
Nevertheless, you are...different from the rest.
エーデルガルト: 今まで誰一人として、私自身を超えて私を指揮できる人なんていなかった。
貴方は…… 眩しい光だったのかもしれないわね。
Edelgard: Until now, no. one has been able to surpass me—much less command me.
I have always been seen as an untouchable princess or emperor.
No one spoke to me as an equal or met my gaze without flinching.
It was lonely. Terribly lonely. The only person I could rely on as I tried to claw my way out of the darkness was myself.
But have been a brilliant light. Somehow, you have chased the darkness away. And for that... I will always be grateful.
エーデルガルト: あら、師だったのね。ヒューベルトが呼びに来たのかと思った。
Edelgard: Yes? Oh! It's you, Professor. I was certain it was Hubert coming to drag me back to my duties.
"Your Majesty, you must know your supreme talents are needed at present. Why not gaze at these documents instead of the sky?"
Choice 1: 言いそう That sounds like Hubert.
エーデルガルト: そうよね。間違ったことは言わないから、言い返せないのがたまに癪だけれど。
Edelgard: Doesn't it? And the worst part is that he's always right, so I can't even argue with him.
Choice 2: あまり似ていない That didn't sound like Hubert at all.
エーデルガルト: そう?自分では似ていると思っていたのだけれど。
Edelgard: No? Well then. And here I thought my Hubert impression was second to none.
エーデルガルト: まあ、この話はいいわ……。
Edelgard: But that's enough about Hubert for the moment.
While I have your attention, I'd like to thank you for your help in that last battle.
As you well know, I'm perfectly capable of commanding the army by myself.
However, when you're around, it's somehow different.
I'm not sure I can properly explain it. I suppose your perspective on the battlefield is simply sharper than mine.
When you're devising tactics and tricks for us, it's almost as though you can read the enemy's mind.
There's no getting around it. Your talent for strategy far exceeds my own. I'm quite jealous in all honesty.
Choice 1: 自分にもないものはある You have many talents that I lack.
Choice 2: 自分も羨ましい時はある Sometimes, I'm jealous of you too.
エーデルガルト: 本当に?でもまあ、そうかもしれないわね。
Edelgard: Is that a fact? Well, if you insist.
I suppose a flower from another's field is always more beautiful.
I'll admit, I think of you as rather detached, so to hear that you have emotions such as jealousy is... something of a relief.
Choice 1: 人間離れなんて…… I'm not detached.
エーデルガルト: しているわよ。そこに議論の余地はない。
Edelgard: Oh, but you are! Don't even try to argue.
But I suppose I'm much the same. I've also distanced myself from the ordinary world.
Choice 2: それを言うならそちらこそ…… I could say the same of you.
エーデルガルト: そうね。私もいろいろと体を弄られて、ただの人からは少し離れてしまった。
Edelgard: I can't deny it. Ever since I underwent those... procedures, I've certainly distanced myself from the ordinary world.
Byleth: 仲間だ It seems we were fated to be friends.
エーデルガルト: 仲間って……そういう意味の仲間は嬉しくない。
Edelgard: Friends... That word somehow doesn't seem adequate.
Besides, we've been friends for a long time, you and I. By now, we're so much more than that, at least in my mind.
You know...instead of Edelgard, you can call me just El. If you so please.
That's what my parents and closest sisters used to call me when I was little.
Now there's no one left who calls me El...
But with you, well...I think I could allow it. In fact, it would mean a great deal to me.
Byleth: なぜ? Why is that?
エーデルガルト: なぜって……。
Edelgard: Why? Hmm...
Well, you have stood beside me and shared my burdens. As I said, you are much more than a friend.
In truth, you are like family to me. I suppose that's why.
エーデルガルト: 人を支配した女神の眷属は滅んだわ。女神の創り上げた世界は形を変え……
Edelgard: The children of the goddess have been defeated at last. The shape of the world will be forever changed.
Humanity is free now. The world is ours once again.
Can you believe it?
Choice 1: わからない I'm not sure.
エーデルガルト: そうね……未来はすべて、私たち自身の選択次第。
Edelgard: I see. Well, one thing is certain. The fate of this world depends on the choices we make.
It's possible that people would have been happier continuing to mindlessly obey the goddess.
Our work is far from over. And we can't ignore the possibility that our enemies will resurface one day.
Choice 2: まだ問題は残っている It isn't over yet.
エーデルガルト: ええ、そうね。まだすべて終わったわけではない。
Edelgard: True. There is still much to be done.
We can't ignore the possibility that our enemies will resurface one day.
In the end, the fate of this world depends on the choices we make.
エーデルガルト: ……貴方は、これからも私と共にいてくれる?
Edelgard: I don't know what the future holds, but...come what may, will you stay by my side?
You chose to protect me at the Holy Tomb. Will you choose me again?
What I'm trying to say is...I need you.
Byleth: エル、これを El... Please accept this gift.
エーデルガルト: ……え? 今、エルって……
Edelgard: You called me El. That's... I... That means more than I can say.
And this ring... It's lovely. Thank you, my dearest friend. I will happily accept it.
I must admit, I feared my feelings would be unrequited.
So long as I had you by my side, it never mattered how many enemies I amassed. You were all I needed.
All this time, I longed to share my feelings with you, and it seems you wished for the same.
Now, our wishes have come true. This feeling... it's overwhelming.
Choice 1: これからもよろしく I promise to always be there for you.
エーデルガルト: ええ、こちらこそよろしく。私とあなたでなら、不可能はないわ。
Edelgard: I promise the same. Together, we can achieve anything.
Choice 2: すべて自分に任せて Now, your burdens are mine to bear.
エーデルガルト: ふふっ、そうはいかないわ。私と貴方、二人で支え合わなくては。
Edelgard: Absolutely not—I won't allow it! From now on, we face the world and carry our burdens together.
エーデルガルト: 闇に蠢く者たちを滅ぼし、フォドラの安寧を取り戻し……
Edelgard: We will crush those who slither in the dark and restore peace and order to Fódlan.
I will then find a suitable successor and hand over the reins of the Empire.
When all that is done, it will be just the two of us. I look forward to starting our life together in the light of a glorious new dawn.
Choice 1: 時間がかかりそうだ That seems a lifetime away.
エーデルガルト: ええ、前途多難ね。甘い気分に浸るのも程々にしなければ。
Edelgard: It will be a long and difficult path, I'm afraid, but we must remain focused on our goals.
Choice 2: すぐにも実現させる Let's make it happen.
エーデルガルト: ええ、そうね。気を引き締め直さなければ……。
Edelgard: Yes, that is all we can do for now. We must remain focused on our goals.
エーデルガルト: さあ、行きましょう。貴方は名実ともに私の伴侶となった。
Edelgard: To think that I may truly call you my partner and equal now...
The solitary reign of Edelgard has come to an end. From now on, we walk this path together.
With time and care, the darkness shrouding this world will be lifted.
You and I will become the light that shines over Fódlan... just as you have shined upon my life.
同性ペアもあるので、he/she が変化する
Byleth and Edelgard ended the tyranny of a godlike being.
Byleth was wounded and lost the power of the progenitor god, but it mattered not, as he/she and Edelgard had each other.
To ensure lasting peace, the two fought against those who slither in the dark, and to ensure a society where people can rise and fall by their own merits, they spent their lives reforming the antiquated class system. They achieved much in their time together, and it is said that they were sometimes spotted leaving the palace to privately enjoy the world they had created. How they spent those precious moments, none but the two of them will ever know.
エーデルガルト: 師、ここにいたのね。まさか誰かを待っていた?
Edelgard: Ah, here you are. Are you waiting for someone?
Choice 1: 待っていない I'm not waiting for anyone.
エーデルガルト: そう、それなら良かったわ。邪魔をしたら悪いもの。
Edelgard: Good. I would not wish to interrupt anything.
Choice 2: エーデルガルトを I was waiting for you.(エーデルガルトの好感度アップ)
エーデルガルト: 私に声をかけもせずに?……まあ、偶然来たからいいけれど。
Edelgard: For me? Well, you should have summoned me earlier. Regardless, here I am.
Byleth: 何か用? Has something happened?
エーデルガルト: いいえ、今は特には。だからここに来たのよ。
Edelgard: No, nothing in particular. In fact, that's why I came here.
This place, the Goddess Tower... It was special to my parents.
My father attended the Officers Academy himself. A few years after graduating, he was crowned emperor.
One day, during a visit to the monastery, he snuck into the Goddess Tower on a nostalgic whim.
And there she was, my mother. She had just enrolled in the academy that very year.
They were instantly drawn to each other. Love at first sight, you could say. It was the first time either had truly been in love...or so the story goes.
Byleth: 初恋? Their first love?
エーデルガルト: もちろん、当時すでに皇帝だった父には政略結婚で迎えた正妃がいたし……
Edelgard: Yes. Of course, as emperor, my father had already married for political reasons.
As the Empire demands many heirs, he also had numerous other lovers.
In the end, my mother settled for becoming one of his many consorts. But I choose to believe there was genuine love between them.
Heh, I suppose it's a silly story to cling to.
Choice 1: 良い想い出だ It's a lovely story.
エーデルガルト: そうね。私が生まれる前の話なのが残念。
Edelgard: Isn't it? It's a shame that the lovely stories ended after I was born.
For as long as I can remember, my mother had already been exiled from the capital.
It's strange. Something about you makes me reveal all of the things I so carefully keep concealed.
Choice 2: エーデルガルトの初恋は? Who was your first true love?
エーデルガルト: 貴方には、私のことを知ってほしいと思う。だから特別に教えてあげるけれど……
Edelgard: Hmm. For some reason, I feel compelled to tell you all of these things I have kept hidden.
I can't say the name, but it was a noble who I met in the Kingdom, a lifetime ago.
エーデルガルト: ……そうだ、今度は貴方のことを教えてくれる?
Edelgard: Anyway... What about you? It's your turn to reveal some long-held secret!
You can share a story about your past...or perhaps tell me about your first love.
Choice 1: 特にない I have no such stories.
エーデルガルト: そう……本当に特になさそうね。顔色一つ変えないなんて、つまらないわ。
Edelgard: You're telling the truth. I can tell. Hm... I wasn't even able to make you blush.
Choice 2: 聞かないで…… Please don't ask that of me.
エーデルガルト: そんなことを言われたら、逆に聞きたくなると思わない?
Edelgard: You realize that just makes me more curious than ever!
Byleth: そう言われても…… Sorry...
エーデルガルト: ふふ、悪かったわ。別に何かを無理に聞き出したりはしない。
Edelgard: Heh... No, I'm the one who should apologize. It wasn't my intention to pry.
I'm just intrigued by you and your mysterious past.
You have supposedly always been a mercenary, but I believe there is more to your story than that…
Let's leave it there for today and return to the ball.
There must be plenty of students hoping to talk with you...and to dance with you.
I would not wish to prevent you from mingling. I cannot keep you all to myself, after all.