リンハルト: やあ、カトリーヌさん。ちょっと雷霆を見せてくれませんか。
Linhardt: Catherine. Thunderbrand. I'm here to see it.
カトリーヌ: おい、何だよ?藪から棒に。
Catherine: Well, that came out of the blue.
リンハルト: いや、使ってみたいんですよね、雷霆を。なんで、貸してほしいなって。
Linhardt: I wish for you to show me Thunderbrand so I may better understand the Relic before I attempt to use it.
カトリーヌ: はああ? アンタ、正気か?雷霆を使ってみたいって……冗談じゃない!
Catherine: You want to use Thunderbrand? Is this a joke?
リンハルト: 僕は別に冗談なんて言ってませんよ?真面目に使ってみたいんですけど。
Linhardt: By no means. My research demands this next step.
カトリーヌ: 冗談じゃないなら尚更、悪い。あんた、今まで何を学んできた?
Catherine: Have you paid any attention to your training?
If you use a Hero's Relic that doesn't match your Crest, you'll become a Demonic Beast.
リンハルト: もちろん知ってます。マイクランっていう例も、ありましたね。
Linhardt: I am well aware of what became of Miklan Gautier...
It is true that those lacking a Crest are easily turned into Demonic Beasts when attempting to use any Relic...
However, research indicates that if you have a Crest, even if the Relic is not compatible, it's less likely that you will be transformed against your will.
カトリーヌ: なりにくいだけだ。ならないわけじゃない。
Catherine: "Less likely" doesn't mean "impossible."
I won't let you take such a dangerous gamble.
リンハルト: いやあ、1回なら大丈夫ですよ。過去に一度だってそんな例はありませんし。
Linhardt: There's no recorded example of a transformation occurring after a single use of a Relic. One attempt is barely a gamble.
So as a man of science...let me use it. Just once?
カトリーヌ: いいや、駄目だよ。アタシの目が黒いうちは絶対に駄目だ。
Catherine: No. Never.
リンハルト: 仮に魔獣になったところで、困るのは僕だけですよ。
Linhardt: Let's say you're right and I do become a Demonic Beast. What of it? I'm the only one who will be inconvenienced.
And I've already made preparations to be subdued should that occur. I fail to see your problem.
カトリーヌ: いい加減にしろってんだ!英雄の遺産を軽く見るんじゃないよ!
Catherine: You're a fool. Don't talk about the Heroes' Relics like they're toys to play with!
リンハルト: あー、いや、じゃ、いいです。
Linhardt: Fine then. Forget I asked.
There is no persuading you when you're angry.
Let us resume this conversation another time.
カトリーヌ: おい! その言い草は何だ!またなんてないからな!
Catherine: If you come back "another time," you'll find my position hasn't changed!
リンハルト: やあ、カトリーヌさん。ちょっと雷霆を……
Linhardt: Catherine...about Thunderbrand...
カトリーヌ: またはないと言ったろ。帰れ帰れ。アンタに雷霆は使わせないよ。
Catherine: I said my position would not change. Go home. You're not getting your hands on Thunderbrand.
リンハルト: わかってますって。今日は別のお願いですよ。
Linhardt: I was not asking to, so stop being so overprotective. I have a different request today.
カトリーヌ: 別のお願い?アンタのそれはろくなもんじゃないからな。
Catherine: Oh, so you're nagging about something else. Just so you know, constant badgering isn't a very attractive quality.
リンハルト: 雷霆、ここで使って見せてくれませんか。
Linhardt: I would appreciate it if you would use Thunderbrand somewhere that I might observe it in action.
Since you have denied me the simplest path to my enlightenment, I decided instead that I should closely observe the Relic in use.
カトリーヌ: あのな、リンハルト。英雄の遺産は、見せ物じゃないんだ。
Catherine: Linhardt. The Heroes' Relics aren't showpieces.
I only use Thunderbrand when I need its power. I won't waggle it around for your entertainment.
You know, even though it's compatible with my Crest, it still takes its toll on me.
Every time I use it, it wears away at my soul. Not that you'd understand.
リンハルト: そりゃ、わかりませんよ。僕なんかには。
Linhardt: Of course I don't understand. I've never used it.
カトリーヌ: リンハルト、言い方には気をつけろよ?
Catherine: Watch your tone. Remember who you're talking to.
リンハルト: 貴方が使わせないって言ったんですよ、カトリーヌさん。
Linhardt: Why are you so unwilling to let me study Thunderbrand in any manner?
I wish to be a true Crest scholar. Learning all there is to know about the Heroes' Relics is my duty.
I could learn a great deal by using a Relic myself, even if that did mean endangering my life. Yet you deny me the opportunity!
Scholars who will not endanger their lives in pursuit of knowledge are worthless.
カトリーヌ: なに……?
Catherine: Scholars should be willing to lose their lives?
リンハルト: だから観察したいし、できることなら雷霆だって一度は使っておきたい。
Linhardt: In a word? Yes. Which makes it all the more frustrating that you refuse my attempts at study.
But I can't seem to convince you, so just forget all about it. Your bullheadedness wins the day, Catherine.
I'll go ask someone else. I'm sure I can keep myself busy until we find another Relic.
If only I could use the Sword of the Creator, but without a Crest Stone it won't respond...
I wonder how it is that the professor can use it... The only explanation that makes any sense is— Could...could it be? Hmm...
カトリーヌ: 命を危険に晒してでも、紋章学者になりたい……?
Catherine: He wants so badly to study Crests, he'd risk his own life. That's impressive.
I underestimated your tenacity, Linhardt. But I have to protect you from yourself.
カトリーヌ: リンハルト……アンタが夢のためなら命を懸けられるってのはわかったよ。
Catherine: Linhardt, I understand you'd endanger yourself to realize your dreams.
But why go this far? You never seemed like the type to put this much effort into anything.
リンハルト: 面倒臭がりですよ?むしろ、だからかもしれませんね。
Linhardt: Honestly, I find most everything annoying, which is most likely why you have such an opinion of me.
But to continue my research without taking this chance to know the truth—what would be the point?
Besides ignorance can breed even greater dangers.
For example, do you know for whom Thunderbrand was originally crafted?
カトリーヌ: そりゃ女神様が……
Catherine: The goddess.
リンハルト: それです。そうやって、女神様の力だって思考停止しちゃってますよね。
Linhardt: Correct. And because of that, everyone just stops thinking about it.
No one really knows what the Relic is made of, how it was crafted, or what its very structure may be.
Until we know those things and truly understand the power and the danger Relics hold...
We won't be able to...gain any new knowledge. I'm tired of talking.
カトリーヌ: そのくらいで疲れんなよ……。ま、でも、アンタの考えはわかった。
Catherine: You tire too easily, but I think I understand your logic.
If you really want to risk your life, I won't stop you.
Just remember, Linhardt. Curiosity killed the—
リンハルト: 猫をも殺す、でしょ。すでに何度も言われてますよ。
Linhardt: I am not a cat. It will require more than my own curiosity to finish me off.
カトリーヌ: ははっ、アンタもいい根性してるな。何が起こっても知らないぞ、アタシは。
Catherine: You've got guts. I'll give you that. But don't blame me if something bad happens.
リンハルト: 仕方ないんじゃないですか。知ることに危険は付きものなんですから。
Linhardt: If something happens, it happens. Finding out the truth means accepting the risks.
Those who've identified plants, both poisonous and medicinal, took the same risk in eating each.
I'm just like those people.
カトリーヌ: やれやれ、負けたよ、アンタには。
Catherine: OK, fine. I give up. You win.
I'll let you hold Thunderbrand just this once. Go on, give it a try.
And...don't worry about something bad happening. I'll be right here.
カトリーヌ: よ、リンハルト。どうだ?雷霆を使ってみて何かわかったか?
Catherine: So now you've held Thunderbrand. Learn anything?
リンハルト: ………………。
Linhardt: Hmm...
カトリーヌ: おいおい、何だ? その死にそうな顔は?まさか雷霆の影響か?
Catherine: What's going on? You look like you're going to faint. Is that Thunderbrand's doing?
リンハルト: ふああ……いえ、眠いだけです。体はいつもどおり健康的に眠いです。
Linhardt: No, not at all. My body is operating at its normal, healthy level of sleepiness.
I felt no effect at all, honestly. Perhaps one exposure to the Relic wasn't enough.
カトリーヌ: おい、まさかまた使うって……
Catherine: Hah! Don't tell me you want to get ahold of it again.
リンハルト: いや、流石にそれはないですよ。何度も使うと危険ってことはわかってます。
Linhardt: Of course not. There is a difference between taking a risk and being a fool.
Interesting experiment though. I used all my might, yet absolutely nothing happened.
It seems if one's Crest is not compatible, a Relic simply will not work.
To feel that response, to better understand the bond, that is more than enough for me.
カトリーヌ: なるほどな。で、これからどうする気だ?遺産については諦めるのか?
Catherine: I see. What will you do now? I assume your Relic research is complete.
リンハルト: まさか。他の取っ掛かりを考えてみますよ。
Linhardt: Not at all. I have other clues to follow—experiments to perform. That said...
I would be pleased if someone who could use their Relic with all their might would join in my research.
カトリーヌ: ……その目は何だよ。アタシのことか、そりゃ。
Catherine: What? You don't mean me, do you?
リンハルト: そうは言ってませんけど、いや、偶然にも貴方はこの条件に当てはまりますね。
Linhardt: Now that you mention it, I suppose you would fit the bill.
カトリーヌ: わざとらしいな、まったく……。
Catherine: Sure seems that's what you were getting at...
Fine. When the war's over, I'll help with your research.
リンハルト: え? いいんですか?
Linhardt: Oh, you will?
カトリーヌ: アタシがやらなきゃ、他の奴に迷惑がかかるだろ?
Catherine: I figure if I don't do it, you'll find some other poor soul to bother.
It's like I'm keeping a high-maintenance cat. You're endlessly curious.
リンハルト: 僕、飼われるんですか?いや、まあ大歓迎ですけど……。
Linhardt: I am not being kept. The sentiment is welcome, but I am still not a cat.
When Rhea absconded her post as archbishop, Catherine resigned from the Knights of Seiros and accompanied her to a life of seclusion in the Red Canyon.
They were joined by Catherine's new husband, Linhardt, who continued his Crest research at Catherine's behest.
Motivated by his wife, and freed from all other distractions, Linhardt made new discoveries at an astonishing rate. The fruits of his research brought about dramatic changes in the world of Crest research, but for the sake of his privacy, Linhardt always published his papers anonymously.
Catherine left the Knights of Seiros and set out to travel across Fodlan. With Thunderbrand in hand, she wandered the countryside, seeking always to defend the innocent and punish the wicked. During these years of heroics, she had an unusual traveling companion in Linhardt, who had renounced his noble title and followed her. During their adventures, Catherine was said to be nearly unstoppable, and Linhardt all but useless-except in moments of great need, when the Crest scholar's wisdom would suddenly carry the day. The pair's adventures lived on as beloved folktales, passed down through the generations. It is unclear whether the two were ever romantically involved.