リンハルト: やあ、エーデルガルトさん。何か探し物ですかね。
Linhardt: Hello there, Edelgard. Are you looking for something?
エーデルガルト: ええ、捜し物よ。また講義に出るのを怠ったリンハルトという人を捜しているの。
Edelgard: You could say that. I'm looking for someone named Linhardt who's been skipping lectures again.
リンハルト: やあ、陛下。何か探し物ですかね。
Linhardt: Greetings, Your Majesty. Are you looking for something?
エーデルガルト: ええ、捜し物よ。また軍議に出るのを怠ったリンハルトという人を捜しているの。
Edelgard: You could say that. I'm looking for someone named Linhardt who's been skipping war meetings again.
リンハルト: そうですか。無事に見つかって良かった。それで、他に用は?
Linhardt: I see. Well, congratulations, you've found him. Did you want him for something in particular?
エーデルガルト: ……怠慢を注意される以外の用が思い当たるのかしら?
Edelgard: What else could bring me here other than your complete negligence?
リンハルト: 僕の考える紋章についての推論を聞きたくなったのかと思いましたよ。
Linhardt: Well, perhaps you're interested in hearing my latest theories on the nature of Crests.
I suspect the formation of Crests may be quite different than that recorded in church tradition.
エーデルガルト: 待って。それを聞くと、私にとって良いことがある?
Edelgard: Before you go on, is there any discernible benefit to me allowing this babble to continue?
リンハルト: もちろんですよ。
Linhardt: Well, of course.
エーデルガルト: なら聞かせて……いや、待って。その良いことというのは何?
Edelgard: And that would be?
リンハルト: 楽しめます。
Linhardt: I suspect you'll find the topic rather entertaining.
エーデルガルト: ……それだけ?
Edelgard: That's it?
リンハルト: それ以外に何が必要なんですかね?紋章の研究ですよ?
Linhardt: What more do you need? Crest research is its own reward.
エーデルガルト: 貴方……自分にどれほど才能があると思っているの? 素晴らしい研究者になれるわ。
Edelgard: You know, if you ever truly applied yourself, you could become a distinguished scholar.
You could use your Crest knowledge to benefit the world or uncover new discoveries in magic theory.
リンハルト: 何でまたそんな面倒なことを僕がしなきゃならないんだ……。
Linhardt: Why would I busy myself with such tedious work?
I perform this research for my own knowledge. I'm not interested in the world at large.
エーデルガルト: 使い道があればいいのだけれどね……。
Edelgard: There's nothing wrong with a selfish drive for knowledge but only if you put it to good use.
リンハルト: きっとありますって。それじゃ……
Linhardt: I'm sure there must be some use...
エーデルガルト: 待ちなさい。なら、どんな使い道があるのか私に説明してから行って。
Edelgard: Oh? Then please, tell me what potential uses you have in mind.
リンハルト: 何だかよくわからない芸術品だって喜んで買って飾る人がいるんだから……
Linhardt: Well, there are people out there who spend good money on bizarre artistic creations...
So I'm sure my not-at-all useful research could be used as a fine lullaby for the children of the world.
エーデルガルト: 子守唄……?
っ、いけない、次の予定が……。いい? 次はないから気をつけなさい。
Edelgard: A lullaby?
Ugh, I have things to do. Just know that this was my last warning.
リンハルト: もちろんわかってますよ。それじゃ失礼。
Linhardt: Sure, of course. Good-bye.
エーデルガルト: ……リンハルト、せめて訓練を受けて。ほら、杖でも棒でも箒でも構えなさい。
Edelgard: Linhardt, at least try to do some training. Use a staff or a rod or a broom, for all I care.
リンハルト: ええと、この後で訓練する約束があったから今はいいや……
Linhardt: My apologies, but I cannot train right now. I have plans for later and don't wish to tire myself.
Caspar invited me to train with him, you see...
エーデルガルト: ……貴方、議論の間、ずっと寝ていたわね。私が内容を要約してあげる。
Edelgard: You slept through the whole debate, didn't you? Fine. I'll summarize it for you.
リンハルト: 大丈夫、この件については本を読むだけで僕は足りるんです。お構いなく……
Linhardt: Not the whole debate. I closed my eyes only after I knew what reading would cover the topic.
エーデルガルト: ここにいたのね、リンハルト。もしかしてこっそり鍛錬に?
Edelgard: There you are. Don't tell me you were sneaking out to do some training...
リンハルト: 違います。貴方に見つからないためですよ。はあ……よくここがわかりましたね。
Linhardt: Of course not. I was sneaking out to avoid you! Ugh, how did you find me this time?
エーデルガルト: 偶然よ……。それより、なぜ私に見つからないようにするの?
Edelgard: A mere coincidence. Why would you wish to hide from me?
リンハルト: なぜって……面倒だからですよ。どうしていちいち僕に構うんです?
Linhardt: Because you're an awful nuisance. Why do you pester me so?
エーデルガルト: それは、貴方の才覚が活かされるように……
Edelgard: To ensure that your talent is not wasted due to your lack of—
リンハルト: 僕がここでどんな生活を送ろうが、僕の自由じゃないですか。
Linhardt: It's none of your business how I spend my time or how I use my "talent."
Have you assumed the role of my mother? You overplay the part! She was only half as overbearing.
エーデルガルト: ははお………………何でそうなるのよ!
Edelgard: Wh...what is the matter with you?
エーデルガルト: 私は黒鷲の学級の級長として、貴方が仲間に迷惑をかけないようにと……
Edelgard: As house leader, I'm trying to prevent you from causing trouble for yourself and our classmates.
エーデルガルト: 私はこの“黒鷲遊撃軍”を統べる皇帝として、貴方が規律を守るようにと……
Edelgard: As emperor, I'm trying to prevent you from making a mockery of the Black Eagle Strike Force.
リンハルト: わかった。わかりました。どうにかしますよ。
Linhardt: Fine. I'll try harder...really.
I'm sure you see all this as my interfering with your duty as a leader...
Have you considered how it feels for those of us who serve below you? You are a serious pain, you know.
エーデルガルト: 私が……面倒臭い?
Edelgard: How so?
リンハルト: 騎士の叙勲式に無理矢理同伴して、王から白い目を向けられる母親くらいには。
Linhardt: You're like a mother who insists on accompanying her son to his own knighting ceremony!
エーデルガルト: そ、それは、流石に言い過ぎじゃない?
Edelgard: That's taking it a bit far, don't you think?
リンハルト: いいえ、これでも控えめです。貴方のせいで僕の研究が滞るくらいだもの。
Linhardt: No, I'd say that it's putting it lightly. All your interfering is greatly hindering my research.
エーデルガルト: そう……わかったわ。貴方の気持ちはよくわかった。ええ……。
Edelgard: I see. Very well. You've made your perspective perfectly clear.
エーデルガルト: リンハルト、ようやく見つけたわ。こんなところにいたのね。
Edelgard: Linhardt! I've finally found you.
リンハルト: ここは実に興味深いですからねえ。千年前の遺構が当時の形そのままに残ってる。
Linhardt: These structures were built more than a thousand years ago and still remain. Amazing.
Most interesting, there's a pattern to the saints' emblems carved into each of the sarcophagi...
Here. You'll see if you come take a look.
エーデルガルト: え? ……ええ、後でね。今は別に話があるの。
Edelgard: Perhaps another time. Right now, I have something to discuss with you.
You've said before that you don't care about the usefulness of your research.
After giving it some thought, I decided that I'd like to create an institution for Crest and Relic research, and I'd like for you to lead it.
All you would need to do is carry out whatever research you like. Somebody else will decide how to make use of your findings.
What do you think? I imagine such an environment would suit you quite well.
リンハルト: ……はあ。気乗りしないですけど、貴方がそこまで言うのなら受けますよ。
Linhardt: Ugh... Let's be clear that I have my reservations, but I suppose I'll take you up on your offer...if you insist.
Although, I'm unsure if it's a good idea. If my research dries up, you'll be stuck with a worthless institute.
I do hope you understand that, Your Majesty.
エーデルガルト: ……なぜ気が乗らないのか、理由を聞いてもいいかしら。
Edelgard: Why are you skeptical about my proposal?
リンハルト: なぜって……僕は、自分の好きなこと以外はやりたくないからですよ。
Linhardt: It's because all I've ever cared about is following my own curiosity...wherever it takes me.
Being head of some "institution" and researching as part of an organized team? Sounds like no fun at all.
At that point, it's not research—it's just a job, and one I've been practically forced into at that.
However, since I know you've put a lot of effort into preparing this opportunity for me...
And since I like you well enough, I will, begrudgingly, take you up on the offer.
エーデルガルト: ええと……とりあえず、ありがとう。
Edelgard: Well then, I suppose I should be grateful.
But I'll be honest. I see little point in bringing you on board if you're so troubled by the idea.
Let's put this idea on hold for the moment. I'll figure something out for you by the war's end.
I have great respect for your talent, Linhardt. I'm certain I can find a way to make use of it that's to your liking.
エーデルガルト: 今日もここにいたのね、リンハルト。
Edelgard: Here again, I see.
リンハルト: 陛下ですか。教団がいた頃は、自由に調べられませんでしたからねえ。
Linhardt: Of course, Your Majesty. I couldn't investigate this place freely when those of the church were around.
エーデルガルト: そうそう、保留にしていた紋章や遺産の研究機関の話だけれど……
Edelgard: Understandably. Now, about my proposal to create an institution for Crest and Relic research...
I've decided to move forward with it. As for who will lead the charge...
リンハルト: 結局、僕に任せたいというのかな。やれやれ……。
Linhardt: You want me to be in charge of the thing after all, don't you?
エーデルガルト: ふふ、そうではないわ。長を募集する条件を付けようかと思って。
Edelgard: Actually, no. I was just considering some conditions for whoever applies for the job.
リンハルト: へえ、どんな条件なんです?
Linhardt: Conditions? What kind of conditions?
エーデルガルト: まず、他の地位との兼任を許さない。特に領主なんてもってのほかね。
Edelgard: To start, I won't allow the position to be a secondary one. That excludes lords who are busy looking after their own territories.
リンハルト: そうすると、領主がなろうと思ってもなれないということですか。
Linhardt: Are you suggesting land-holding lords would have no means of applying?
エーデルガルト: 逆よ。帝国の重要な機関なのだから、領地を返上してでもやる人でなければ。
Edelgard: Quite the opposite. I'm looking for applicants with enough passion for the job that they're willing to relinquish any land-holding rights they possess.
They will be provided with necessities like food, clothing, and housing but will receive no further compensation.
That said, they will be free to take as much time off as they desire.
リンハルト: ……ふーん。そんな奇特な人がいるんでしょうか。
Linhardt: Do you expect anyone to be interested in such an odd position?
エーデルガルト: もちろん、私はそう信じているわ。
Edelgard: That's my hope.
リンハルト: いや、おかしいですよね?何ですか、領地返上のうえ、報酬なしって。
Linhardt: Have you gone mad? Demanding someone rescind their land rights and then provide no compensation?
Even the unlimited time off is a rather discourteous perk to offer.
No one would accept room, board, and endless time to research... No one but me. Why must you...
エーデルガルト: 何で……?
Edelgard: Why must I what?
リンハルト: 何でそこまで僕のことを理解してるんです?確かに下の者の気持ちを考えてとは……
Linhardt: Why must you understand me so well? I asked you to consider the feelings of those below you...
I never expected you to consider mine to this extent.
エーデルガルト: 貴方を得るために、私が考えた結果よ。
Edelgard: I told you I'd figure out a way to make use of your talents that you'd find acceptable.
リンハルト: 困ったなあ。僕をこれほど困らせた女性は貴方が初めてですよ。
Linhardt: Honestly... No woman has ever gone through this much trouble for me before.
エーデルガルト: リンハルト、返事を聞かせて。
Edelgard: Then have you decided?
リンハルト: この話……喜んで受けますよ。我が陛下。
Linhardt: Yes, I have. I would be most pleased to accept your offer, Your Majesty.
As the new Adrestian emperor, Edelgard gave all she had to breathe new life into the government of Fodlan.
With tireless work and great sacrifice, she instituted new class reforms to ensure that people could rise on their own merits. During those years, however, there was a period of time in which she simply disappeared.
It is said that she went to the research facility of the foremost authority in Crests, Linhardt, who had relinquished his rank and title to live a life of study.
There, after confirming the results of Linhardt's experiments, Edelgard was able to enjoy a rare break from her busy life.
The respite was brief, but they cherished that time for the rest of their lives.