アネット: ふう……はあ……。やっぱり一気に全部は無理かなあ……。
Annette: Phew... I guess taking them all up in one go was a bad idea...
リンハルト: やあ、アネット。その箱、どうしたの?
Linhardt: Annette? Are you OK with all those boxes?
アネット: あ、リンハルト!ちょうどよかったあ!
Annette: Linhardt! Hi! I'm so glad you're here!
I don't know if I'll be able to handle all these...
I thought I may as well get it over with, so I decided to carry them all at once. Big mistake.
リンハルト: へえ、まあ何度も往復するのは面倒だもんね。その気持ち、わかるよ。
Linhardt: Smart thinking. "Do it all at once!" That's what they say, right? Work smart, not hard.
I think you've got it from here, so I'm off to take a nap. Good luck.
アネット: あ、リンハルト!ちょっと手伝って……行っちゃった……
Annette: But maybe you could help! Nope. Gone.
Gah. It's fine. It is fine. Just a little further to my quarters. I've got this.
アネット: よいしょ……ん? ああっと!きゃーーっ!
Annette: I'll just... Just... Gaaah!
Huh? They didn't fall...
リンハルト: いやあ、危ないところだったね。
Linhardt: That was almost pretty bad.
アネット: リ、リンハルト!帰って昼寝するんじゃなかったの?
Annette: Linhardt! I thought you had an important nap to get to.
リンハルト: やっぱり危ないかもと思って、念のために近くで見ていたんだ。
Linhardt: I'd call it insomnia, but I suppose it was really just a guilty conscience. I came to see if you needed help.
And sure enough, here you are, about to tip all the boxes on the floor.
アネット: ありがとう……だけどそれなら、最初から手伝ってくれたって良かったのに……
Annette: Thanks. Though it may have been best if you had just chipped in from the start...
リンハルト: え? 君が引き受けた仕事でしょ?何で僕が手伝うの?
Linhardt: Huh? But it was your job. Why would I step in? You clearly had things handled.
アネット: じゃあ、どうして助けてくれたの?
Annette: Then why help me at all?
リンハルト: 荷物をぶちまけたら、みんなで片づける羽目になると思ったからね。
Linhardt: If the boxes had fallen just now, everyone would have had to help tidy them up anyway.
If anything broke, more boxes would need to be carried...
And if all of that came to pass, then there'd be noise and more noise and no chance of my taking a nap.
アネット: んん……最初から手伝っててくれたら、ぶちまけそうにもならなかったのに。
Annette: Huh. But if you had helped me from the start, there would have been no danger of anything being dropped at all.
リンハルト: だから、ぶちまけないようにはしてあげたでしょ。
Linhardt: Correct. But there was no danger yet, and so there was no need for my help. So I left you to it.
Try carrying one box at a time instead of straining to do it all at once. Work smart, not hard, as they say.
All right, well, I think you've got it from here, so I'm off. Good luck.
アネット: あはは……そこまで言っておいて、結局手伝ってくれるわけじゃないんだね……。
Annette: After all that, he's not going to help me.
アネット: ねえ起きて、リンハルト!講義、終わっちゃったよ!
Annette: Linhardt, wake up! The lecture's over.
リンハルト: ……う、うーん?何、もう朝?
Linhardt: Mm? Mmm, huh? What, is it morning already?
アネット: 朝はとっくに過ぎてるよ。講義が終わったって言ってるの。
Annette: Morning is long gone. I said the lecture's finished.
Annette: Linhardt, wake up! The war meeting's over.
Linhardt: Mm? Mmm, huh? What, is it morning already?
Annette: Morning is long gone. I said the war meeting's finished.
リンハルト: ……ああ、そうなの。それなら、もう少し寝かせて……
Linhardt: If that's the case, I suppose I can sleep a bit longer...
アネット: 駄ー目ーでーすー!ほら、起きて!
Annette: No. You. Can. Not. Get up this instant!
リンハルト: ……わかったよ。起きるから、そんなに騒がないで……。
Linhardt: Calm down... Calm down.
I was having a wonderful dream...
アネット: 良い夢って、どんな?
Annette: Oh? What were you dreaming about?
リンハルト: 最高の昼寝をする夢だよ。夢の中で見る夢は、得も言われぬ快感が……
Linhardt: I was dreaming about having the best afternoon nap of my life, and the dream I was having in the dream was amazing...
アネット: どうせそんなことだろうと思った……。
Annette: I thought as much.
I have to ask. I'm pretty sure you could do anything you put your mind to, so why do you spend so much of your life sleeping?
リンハルト: 眠いから寝るに決まってるでしょ。他にどんな理由があるのかな。
Linhardt: I sleep because I'm tired. What other reason would I have?
アネット: 眠いって言ったって、限界はあると思うんだけど……。
Annette: No one can be that tired all the time.
リンハルト: そうだねえ。僕は夜、ずっと起きてることが多いから。
Linhardt: Well, not all the time, no. Most nights, I'm quite wide awake.
Sometimes I get distracted and forget to sleep. Usually, I sleep two days for every three I'm awake.
アネット: ……ねえ、もしかして適当に答えてる?
Annette: Are you kidding me?
No one sleeps for two days. That's beyond lazy. That's... There's not even a word for that!
リンハルト: 怠けてるつもりはないけどなあ。勤勉に、眠る時は眠る。それだけだよ。
Linhardt: I can't help it that my sleep schedule fails to line up with everyone else's.
アネット: はあ……あたしのこと馬鹿にしてる?折角、起こしてあげたのに。
Annette: After I did you the favor of waking you up, you could at least take this seriously.
Look, putting in effort is how you grow. You know, as a person and stuff.
アネット: このままじゃあなた、落ちこぼれまっしぐらだよ!
Annette: If you keep this up, you're going to end up just another hopeless dropout.
アネット: みんな戦争を終わらせるために、それぞれ頑張ってるのに……あなたはそれでいいの?
Annette: Everyone else is working really hard to end the war. Are you really OK with coasting like this?
リンハルト: ……うーん。まあいいかなあ。僕は僕ができることをやるよ。
Linhardt: I'll be fine, Annette. I'll be just...fine...
Anyway, I'm pretty beat. Talk again soon.
アネット: あ、ちょっとー!まだ話は終わってないんだからー!
Annette: Linhardt! I wasn't finished talking!
アネット: はー……。朝の散歩は空気が澄んでて最高だなー……
Annette: Ahh, there's nothing like a morning stroll to take in some fresh air!
Hm? In the thicket there. Is that...a human foot?
Eeek! It moved! Someone, help!
リンハルト: いやあ、ごめんごめん。完全に寝てたよ。
Linhardt: Sorry, Annette...I was really out.
アネット: もう、人騒がせにも程があるんだから!死体かと思ってびっくりしたじゃない!
あんなところで朝まで寝てるなんて……今は戦争中なんだよ? 危なすぎるよ!
Annette: Hey! You shouldn't surprise people like that! I thought you were an undead corpse...
Why are you sleeping out here anyway? We're in the middle of a war! Doesn't that seem dangerous?
リンハルト: 戦争中だろうと、睡魔には勝てないよねえ。いや、ほんと強敵だよ。大戦争の結果さ。
Linhardt: Middle of a war or no, you'll not defeat the master of dreams. He's a fiercely strong enemy.
アネット: そうやってふざけるのはやめて。何が強敵、大戦争よ……。
Annette: Stop joking around! What are you even talking about?
リンハルト: アネットは強いからなあ。それとも睡魔の弱点でも知ってるのかな。
Linhardt: No joking, I assure you. He is quite unstoppable. Or perhaps you know his weakness?
アネット: ……ほんっとうに、リンハルトは変わらないね。
Annette: You really never change, do you?
You sleep as much as ever... Do you even remember what I told you?
リンハルト: ……どれのこと?
Linhardt: You told me something? When?
アネット: まあ、覚えてないだろうね……『何かに打ち込んだり……』
Annette: Of course you don't. I told you that putting in effort...
リンハルト: 『努力したりすることは、自分の成長に繋がる』ってやつか。それが何か?
Linhardt: "is how you grow." Is that the one?
アネット: ……覚えてたの?
Annette: do remember?
リンハルト: 覚えてたら悪いの?
Linhardt: Should I not have remembered?
アネット: え、いや、悪くないけど。……その才能、他のことに活かしなよ。
Annette: No! Ugh. It's should put your talents to use elsewhere, that's all.
リンハルト: やれやれ。まるでヒューベルトみたいな台詞だねぇ。
Linhardt: Hmm... Have you been speaking to Hubert?
リンハルト: 僕は僕の好きなことに打ち込んでるし、それでいいんだよ。
Linhardt: The truth is I place effort in what brings me joy. I'm happiest that way.
アネット: うーん……そうじゃなくて…………それなら、言い方を少し変えなきゃね。
Annette: No, that's not... OK, let me put it this way instead.
Working hard for other people helps you grow as a person.
Do you not get the urge to work hard for other people, like when you helped me before?
リンハルト: ……思わないねえ。君は何でそこまで人のためにできるんだか。
Linhardt: Not as such. Why would I go through that effort? For what gain?
アネット: えーっと、だから、それが自分の成長に繋がるからだって……
Annette: Um, for the gain I mentioned...that it helps you grow as a person.
リンハルト: あ、そうだ。じゃあ僕のために頑張ってよ。今日みたいに起こすとかさ。
Linhardt: Oh, I see. Well then, continue working hard for my sake. For example, waking me up today.
And I suppose I will try to do a little bit more for you too...
I find working for others to be annoying, yet I wish to make an exception for you. I hope that's all right...
アネット: ……あたしのため、だけ?
Annette: Just for me?
リンハルト: うんうん。君のために力を尽くすし、君だけを助けるよ。ずっとね。
Linhardt: Indeed. You're the only person I'd bother helping. I could wear myself out helping you. Forever, maybe.
What about it? I'll be there for you, and you can be there for me.
アネット: ちょっ、え、そそそそそれって、どういう意味?
Annette: Oh! What do you mean by that?!
リンハルト: どうしたの?
Linhardt: What?
アネット: 互いのために力を尽くして助け合うって、何だか、まるで……夫婦とか、みたい……
Annette: If we're doing our best for each other and all, then that's a bit like...just kind of a marriage!
リンハルト: ああ、なるほど。……でも君だったら、毎朝ちゃんと起こしてくれそうだね。
Linhardt: Huh. You know, I feel as if you might be able to wake me up every morning. No small feat, that.
アネット: ……あたし、自分で起きれない人とは、結婚なんてお断りだもん!
Annette: Hmph! As though I would marry a man who can't even get up in the morning!
When the Officers Academy reopened after the war, Linhardt gave up his inheritance to take on a position as a professor there. He soon married Annette, who had taken on the same job, and side by side, they helped to educate the next generation of students.
Unfortunately, Annette took her teaching duties far more seriously than Linhardt, who was more concerned with his Crest research, and developed a reputation for falling asleep-sometimes more than once-during his own lectures.
In their first few years as a couple she fought desperately to correct his behavior, but later she learned to accept it, and even looked forward to finding creative ways to wake him up.