リンハルト: ふむふむ……、なるほど。この図形が型になって……
Linhardt: Well, this is fascinating... Following this equation...
ヒューベルト: やれやれ、またここにいましたか、リンハルト殿。
Hubert: Linhardt. Here again, I see.
リンハルト: ヒューベルト、今、良いところなんだ。少し待ってよ。
Linhardt: Go away, Hubert. Now is not a good time.
Ah, yes. The double line becomes a helix, and its arc... No, that cannot be correct...
ヒューベルト: リンハルト殿。残念ながら時間です。
Hubert: Now is exactly the time. Lady Edelgard requests your presence.
Come. The lecture is about to start.
ヒューベルト: リンハルト殿。残念ながら時間です。
Hubert: Now is exactly the time. Lady Edelgard requests your presence.
Come. She is waiting for you.
リンハルト: ええー?そんなことよりこの本が……
Linhardt: Politely inform her that my research is vastly more important than...whatever it is she has to say.
ヒューベルト: リンハルト殿……貴殿のその熱意は買いますが、今はこちらが優先です。
Hubert: While your passion may be admirable, it is sadly misdirected. This matter takes priority.
Return to your hobby when your duty is done.
リンハルト: 趣味って、酷いなあ。これでも何かの役に立つよ、きっと。
Linhardt: Hobby? But this research will most certainly prove useful in the future!
ヒューベルト: 何か、では困ります。帝国の……我が主の、役に立ってもらいませんと。
Hubert: The Empire requires you to be useful now. I should think you would want the same.
You have an almost unparalleled intellect. A singular focus. An unfettered imagination.
In truth, you have talents that many, including myself, will never have the privilege of possessing.
リンハルト: あれ、珍しいね。君が僕を手放しで褒めるなんて。
Linhardt: Are you complimenting me, Hubert? That alone deserves to be studied.
ヒューベルト: ……しかし、その才能の向けられる先が、微塵も評価できません。
Hubert: Let me finish. I haven't an ounce of respect for the cause you have chosen to waste your talents on.
Which changes frequently, I might add, with no rhyme, reason, or results.
Learn to apply yourself to something constructive. You may still have a bright future.
リンハルト: あ、そう……。はあ……放っといてくれないかなあ。
Linhardt: That sounds suspiciously as if you're not going to leave me alone.
I just want to live a life doing things that interest me. Is that so wrong?
ヒューベルト: たとえ貴族でも、そのような生き方は許されないのですよ。
Hubert: That is unacceptable. Even for a nobleman.
ヒューベルト: まもなく帝位を継がれる我が主は……貴族の特権にも切り込もうとしています。
Hubert: Her Highness will soon ascend the throne. She is attempting to deal with such noble privilege head on.
ヒューベルト: 平穏な時代は終わり、今や戦争の真っただ中なのですから。
Hubert: We are in the middle of a war.
リンハルト: 戦争、か……はあ……。
War... Ugh...
リンハルト: ……ま、理は君にあるよ。それはわかってる。
Linhardt: You have a point, and I understand where you're coming from.
But I can't do it. I can't bring myself to work for someone else.
リンハルト: こうして協力して、従軍してるだけでも、物凄い進歩だと思うんだけど。
Linhardt: Cooperating the way I am now, serving in the military, it's about all the generosity I can muster.
ヒューベルト: ……情けない話です。とりあえず行きますよ、リンハルト殿。
Hubert: Pathetic. Keep to your books, then. Good-bye, Linhardt.
ヒューベルト: ……どうやら無理が祟りましたな。主に顔向けできません。
Hubert: I can't believe it. How can I show my face to Lady Edelgard after this?
リンハルト: そうだよ、ほんとに。ヒューベルトは働き過ぎなんだって。
Linhardt: That's what you get, Hubert.
If you rested like me, you wouldn't collapse from exhaustion.
ヒューベルト: 貴殿に言われるのは癪ですが、今はただ受け止めるしかありませんな。
Hubert: As much as it pains me to say it, you're right.
But to be looked after—ugh. By you, of all people. That might be the worst part of this.
I don't know how to feel, to be honest. So for now, let's pretend I thanked you.
リンハルト: どういたしまして。僕だって人が倒れてたら、手くらい貸すよ。
Linhardt: Oh, come now. Even I wouldn't abandon someone who'd collapsed.
ヒューベルト: いや、それはどうですかな。恐らく人が出払っていたからでは?
Hubert: You would have in a heartbeat if anyone else had been around.
リンハルト: 何だ、わかってるじゃない。そのとおりさ。
Linhardt: Ah, yes. Quite accurate, Hubert.
Why would I ever bother to be a decent person if there were anyone else I could foist the duty upon?
If your situation turned bad, it would have been an absolute hassle. I could never just leave you there.
ヒューベルト: そこで見捨てるような男であれば、元々仲間とは思っていませんからな。
Hubert: If that were the sort of man you truly were, we could never be friends.
リンハルト: はは、僕も仲間じゃなきゃ見捨ててるかもしれないね。
Linhardt: Heh, but if we weren't friends, I probably would have just left you.
ヒューベルト: しかし……本当に惜しい。貴殿の先程の処置は見事でした。
Hubert: Shame you're so reluctant to do any real work. You're actually pretty good at this.
Made sure I was comfortable. Checked carefully for injuries. Even carried me here yourself.
If only you'd apply that knowledge of yours so proactively and thoroughly all the time...
You'd be a tremendous asset to the Empire.
リンハルト: また「我が主」か。いいじゃない、僕みたいなのがいても。
Linhardt: There you go again. I see no problem with staying just the way I am.
Think of it this way... In an anthill, 20 percent of the ants are asleep at any given time...
And it's not because they're lazy—far from it.
When the working ants become tired, they go to sleep, and the others wake up.
That's me. I'm the ant who rests so I can work later when other people are tired.
ヒューベルト: たとえ貴殿の理論が正しかったとしても、自信が働かないことを正当化されては……
Hubert: Maybe that's true. But even if it is, it's still just a fancy way to say you let others do all the work.
Consider me unconvinced.
リンハルト: それじゃ、僕は行くから。しっかり休みなよ。
Linhardt: I'll consider you a bother and leave it at that.
You and Edelgard work far too hard. I mean it. Take a break now and then.
If you both collapshink it'd be too much effort for me to bother with.
Get some rest, Hubert. Not as much as me, of course.
ヒューベルト: ……今日だけは、貴殿に理がありますな。その言葉に甘えることにしますよ。くくく。
Hubert: Fine.