フェルディナント: これは良いところに来てくれた、エーデルガルト。
Ferdinand: You came at just the right time, Edelgard.
エーデルガルト: 良いところ……?
Edelgard: Is that so...
フェルディナント: ああ。貴方もこの話は聞いたことがあるだろう。
一人は、千里を駆け多くの敵を屠ったという“戦う宰相” ディルク=フォン=エーギル。
Ferdinand: Yes. I have a story for you.
It's about a pair of nobles, living about a hundred years after the founding of the Adrestian Empire.
One was Derick von Aegir. People called him the Warrior Prime Minister. He bravely led soldiers into battle, and mowed down his enemies.
And the other—
エーデルガルト: ……時の皇帝で、二人は玉座を懸けて決闘し、皇帝が勝った。
Edelgard: Was the emperor of the time. She wagered the throne in a duel against Derick and won.
"Why don't we do what our ancestors did and have a little duel ourselves?"
That's what you were going to say, but the answer is no.
フェルディナント: さ、先回りして全部言うのは、やめてもらえないかね。
Ferdinand: You interrupted me!
The Warrior Prime Minister used a dramatic line to propose the duel, and you did not allow me to say it!
エーデルガルト: それは申し訳なかったわ。
Edelgard: My apologies, Ferdinand.
フェルディナント: まあ、いい。貴方のご明察どおり、私は決闘を申し込もうとしたが……
Ferdinand: Well, at any rate, you were correct in surmising that I was about to challenge you.
But you were rather blunt in your refusal.
エーデルガルト: フェルディナント、いい加減、私に勝負を挑むのをやめてくれないかしら。
Edelgard: Ferdinand, control yourself. When will you tire of challenging me in pointless competitions?
フェルディナント: ああ、もちろんだ。もう勝負は申し込まないよ。
Ferdinand: I can quit now, if you insist on it. I will not challenge you again.
エーデルガルト: え? 諦めるの?
Edelgard: You expect me to believe that?
フェルディナント: そうも意外そうな顔をされるのは心外だな。勝負には両者の合意が不可欠。
Ferdinand: Why do you look so surprised? Of course, it is not a valid duel unless both parties are willing.
Now that you have refused outright, I must come up with some other way of getting that which I seek.
エーデルガルト: 他の方法……あまり聞きたくはないけれど、どんなものがあるのかしら。
Edelgard: I'm afraid to ask what you could possibly mean by that...
フェルディナント: 要するに、周囲の者に私が貴方より優っていることを示せればいいのだからね。
Ferdinand: Only that I will find some other way of showing everyone that I am superior to you.
Huh. I will write a handbill listing your accomplishments, alongside my own, more impressive accomplishments.
Copyists will produce thousands of these pamphlets and distribute them far and wide. Then everyone will know about my—
エーデルガルト: 絶対にやめなさい。絶対に。……はあ。まだ決闘の方が良いわ。
Edelgard: This has to stop. Ugh, perhaps I should have ended things with a duel after all...
エーデルガルト: ……どうどう。
Edelgard: Standing tall, I see…
フェルディナント: エーデルガルト、どうだい?私の馬の毛並みは。
Ferdinand: Edelgard, hello. What do you think of this horse? An equine marvel, no?
Look how intelligent he is! You can see it in his face. Certainly much smarter than your horse.
エーデルガルト: ………………
Edelgard: …
エーデルガルト: ふふっ……育ってきたわね。
Edelgard: Ah, what a lovely bloom…
フェルディナント: 見たまえ、エーデルガルト!この血のように紅き大輪を!
Ferdinand: Behold, Edelgard! Do you see this blood-red bloom?
This is much more impressive than the pale little sprigs you have there. And, as I am sure you know, redness symbolizes courage and strength.
エーデルガルト: ……フェルディナント。いい加減にして。
Edelgard: Ferdinand. Stop.
I can't believe you're wasting my time with a petty, one-sided rivalry.
フェルディナント: 何が不服なんだ。貴方が絶対に嫌だと言ったから、紙に書いて配るのはやめたのに。
Ferdinand: What are you complaining about? You told me not to publish my pamphlet, and I complied.
エーデルガルト: もういいわ!貴方の望みどおり、決闘してあげる。
Edelgard: I've had enough of your foolish antics! Very well. I will grant you the duel you so desperately desire.
But when I win, you must forfeit the right to bother me with your ridiculousness. Forever. Do we have a deal?
フェルディナント: おや、決闘を受けてくれるのかい?いいだろう、勝負だ。
Ferdinand: Ah, so you will fight me after all? Wonderful! To battle, then!
フェルディナント: さて、いつでもかかってきたまえ。
Ferdinand: All right, Edelgard. Have at me.
エーデルガルト: 覚悟はいいわね。
Edelgard: As you wish.
エーデルガルト: ……ふっ!
Edelgard: Hya!
フェルディナント: ……たった一合で……まさか。
Ferdinand: Argh... It only took you one blow... How?!
エーデルガルト: 貴方相手では手を抜けないから、全速力の一撃を叩き込ませてもらったわ。
Edelgard: I can't afford to hold back against an opponent like you. I led with my fastest, strongest strike.
フェルディナント: 全速力か……参ったな。私の負けだ、完膚なきまでにね。
Ferdinand: Fastest and strongest? You're just flattering me. I have been defeated. Utterly.
I cannot believe I was foolish enough to challenge such a plainly superior opponent.
エーデルガルト: そこまでの差はないと思うけれど。
Edelgard: The difference in our skill level is not so great as all that.
If you had taken the first strike, you might have won. That's why I didn't give you the chance.
フェルディナント: 腕の差の問題ではない。覚悟の差、とでも言うのだろうか。
Ferdinand: I do not think talent is what separates us so much as readiness.
I had not the faintest idea of what to expect from a real duel. I was playing, but you were not.
Ferdinand: That such an ill-prepared student would think to challenge you... It is laughable.
フェルディナント: 何が皇帝に物申すだ、この程度の覚悟しかできない貴族が……ああ、笑い話だな……
Ferdinand: That such an ill-prepared noble would think to challenge you... It is laughable.
エーデルガルト: フェルディナント……
Edelgard: Ferdinand...
フェルディナント: この香気、キレ、渋み……ふっ。やはり紅茶はこの産地に限るな。
Ferdinand: Ah! The smell, the texture, the smooth finish. This region's tea is the finest in the world.
フェルディナント: この酸味、コク、苦み……ふっ。やはりテフは焙煎した翌日に限るな。
Ferdinand: Ah! A perfect balance of rich, smooth, and acidic. Coffee tastes best the day after roasting.
エーデルガルト: フェルディナント、元気そうね。
Edelgard: Hello, Ferdinand. You seem to be in a good mood.
フェルディナント: 元気そうね、とはどういう意味かね。私はいつだって元気だとも。
Ferdinand: What is that supposed to mean?!
Perhaps you expected me to hold a grudge against you after our duel. In fact, I have moved on.
エーデルガルト: 本当に?それなら良かったけれど……。
Edelgard: Have you now? Well, I'm glad to hear it.
フェルディナント: なに、私とてあの時は落ち込んだよ!
Ferdinand: I took it hard at the time, I will confess.
I always thought that I equaled you in skill, or even surpassed you. But you showed me that I do not come close to matching your talents.
Yet a true noble does not give up in the face of defeat.
I will continue my training, and one day I will be an elite warrior. That is the path I must take, as a noble and a man of honor.
エーデルガルト: そう。確かに元気そうね。貴方の弛まぬ努力も素晴らしいと思う。
Edelgard: You really are in a good mood. Your determination is admirable.
フェルディナント: だろう?いつか私が貴方を超えた時には今度こそ決闘で……
Ferdinand: Yes. One day, I will surpass your abilities, and I will defeat you in combat.
エーデルガルト: でも。ずっと言いたかったことがあるの。
Edelgard: Ferdinand... There's something I've been meaning to say to you for a while now.
Honestly, I couldn't care less that you are of noble birth.
Your fierce determination doesn't come from your bloodline. It's your own doing.
The reason I value you and want to be friends with you is because of who you are, not who your family is.
フェルディナント: ……そうか。私も言いたかったことがある。
Ferdinand: Hm. I have something I would like to say to you too.
Certainly, we must recognize the commonfolk who strive for greatness and attain it.
But for those of us born into nobility, things are more complicated.
From birth, nobles must excel. If we do not, we will be forced out of our houses.
This environment breeds superior individuals, and they, in turn, recreate the rigorous environment for their own children.
Without that cycle, there would be no political elite guiding the world towards prosperity.
エーデルガルト: ……ふふ。貴方は、私の目指す世の形が間違っていると言うわけね。
Edelgard: Heh, so you're saying that the kind of world I'm striving to create is wrong?
フェルディナント: 間違っているとまでは言わないが、より良い形があるのではないかね。
Ferdinand: I would not go so far as to say your way is "wrong." Just that another way might be better.
If you insist upon undoing the nobility, then we must build something in its place.
We can provide free education for all, and then select the highest-performing students for more intensive training and tutoring.
I truly believe that people are products of their environment.
エーデルガルト: 民に教育の機会を……。
Edelgard: Finding a way to educate the people... Interesting.
I'm impressed by how much thought you've given this.
No matter what shape the world takes, I'm sure I'll always need people like you by my side.
People with strong principles who will argue with me and force me to consider ideas that are contrary to my own.
フェルディナント: ……!エーデルガルト。ようやく私の必要性を理解したのだね!
Ferdinand: Yes, exactly! Finally, Edelgard, you appreciate how important I am to your cause!
エーデルガルト: ええと、元から貴方は仲間として必要だと……
Edelgard: I've always thought of you as a valued friend, Ferdinand. That's nothing new.
フェルディナント: こうなったら、貴方にこの一言を送るしかあるまい!
Ferdinand: Edelgard... I have to tell you something. I think now is the right time.
Do you know what my ancestor Derick von Aegir said after your ancestor defeated him?
He said, "You are an Imperial beauty! Please accept me as your husb—"
エーデルガルト: そこまで、そこまでよ、フェルディナント。今はまだそういう話をすべきではないわ。
Edelgard: Halt, Ferdinand! There's a time and a place for everything...but that time is not now.
As the Adrestian emperor, Edelgard appointed Ferdinand as her prime minister, and the two devoted themselves to ruling Fodlan.
Their sharply contrasting views made for frequent and lively debate, but with each enhancing the perspective of the other, Fodlan was better for it.
As they worked tirelessly to create a better future, they were soon bound together by marriage as well.
Their children, born to those who had torn down the old social hierarchy, were encouraged to choose their own paths.