フェルディナント: ふむ……この考えを披露すれば、エーデルガルトを出し抜けるかも……
Ferdinand: Hm. With this idea, I may be able to get the one-up on Edelgard.
ヒューベルト: フェルディナント殿は、またそれですか。
Hubert: This again.
フェルディナント: おおう!? ……ヒューベルトか。気配を消して話しかけないでくれたまえ。
Ferdinand: Hubert! I wish you would not sneak up on me like that.
ヒューベルト: くくく……良からぬことを企んでいるから、私に気づけないのではないですか?
Hubert: Maybe you would be more perceptive if your mind were less burdened by sedition.
フェルディナント: 良からぬことなど、とんでもない。私には、重要なことだ。
Ferdinand: Sedition? Absurd. This is an important project.
ヒューベルト: ほう? エーデルガルト様をやり込めるのが?
Hubert: Yes, I heard. A new way to prove how superior you are to Lady Edelgard.
She is not your rival, Ferdinand. She is above you.
A noble, like you, ought to know his place.
フェルディナント: ……フン。君のような貴族よりは健全さ。
Ferdinand: Anything is better than being a noble like you.
Every time you open your mouth it's "Lady Edelgard this" or "Lady Edelgard that." Do you ever think for yourself?
You follow her around like a pet. You spend all of your time fretting over her, and yet you never truly express an opinion of your own.
Before you reprimand me, take a moment to consider your own failings.
ヒューベルト: ほう……ただのたわ言も貴殿が口にすると、いつもの何倍も耳障りになりますな。
Hubert: Your nonsense is tiresome, so I hope this will be the last time I have to remind you.
ヒューベルト: 何度も言いますが、我が主は皇女殿下で、貴殿は宰相の子息に過ぎない。
Hubert: Lady Edelgard is the Imperial princess. You are merely the prime minister's son.
ヒューベルト: 何度も言いますが、我が主は皇帝陛下で、貴殿はただの臣下に過ぎない。
Hubert: Lady Edelgard is your emperor. You are nothing more than her retainer.
フェルディナント: わかっているとも。しかし、上の者を諫め、道を正さんとするのは、下の者の務めだ!
Ferdinand: Yes, I understand that. But my duty is to guide her, to give frank advice when she is on the wrong course of action.
That is what I strive to do, always.
Thus my devotion to surpass Edelgard, so that if she needs guidance, I will be prepared to give it.
If you think it is tiresome to have a mind of your own, you will never be much of an advisor.
ヒューベルト: ふっ、貴殿の舌は、まるで水車のようにぺらぺらと回りますな。
Hubert: Does the river of filth pouring out of your mouth ever stop flowing?
Your obsession with all things superficial is disgusting.
It's no use. You're hopeless. I'll take my leave.
フェルディナント: こちらこそ、君と話すことは何もない。さっさと行ってくれ。
Ferdinand: I have nothing more to say to you. Get out of here.
ヒューベルト: この手紙を見せて、脅すように。さあ、頼みましたよ。
Hubert: Show them this letter. Threaten them. Do what you must. Now, go.
帝国兵: はっ!
Imperial Soldier: Yes, sir!
フェルディナント: ヒューベルト!?今の手紙は……まさか。
Ferdinand: Hubert, that letter. Is that what I think it was?
ヒューベルト: おや、貴殿に見つかってしまいましたか。たいしたものではありませんよ。
Hubert: I suppose there's no denying it.
フェルディナント: いや、だが、あれは、エーデルガルトが……
Ferdinand: But Edelgard—
ヒューベルト: ええ、エーデルガルト様が『出すな』と命じられた手紙です。
Hubert: Explicitly forbade me to send it. Yes, I know.
フェルディナント: やはり……!なぜ主の命に従わないのだ?
Ferdinand: I cannot believe it! You disobeyed a direct order?
I thought you were her loyal aide.
ヒューベルト: 忠臣ですとも。主のことを真に思っての行動ですが。
Hubert: Unwaveringly. All that I do, I do for her.
I seem to recall you expressing a similar sentiment.
It is our role to guide her when she is on the wrong course of action. Is that not what you said?
フェルディナント: だが、黙って行うなどあり得ない。
Ferdinand: You are not supposed to do it in secret!
When you disagree with your leader, you must voice your concerns directly. Otherwise, what is the point?
ヒューベルト: 意味など、変わりません。我が主は忠言を受け入れてくれます。
Hubert: The point is the same. Lady Edelgard's best interests are served, whether she knows it or not.
She needs not trouble herself with the mundane details of my actions. Only results matter.
フェルディナント: いいや、そんなことはない!
Ferdinand: You are sorely misguided!
When I believe Edelgard is making a mistake, I tell her as much.
Through discussing the matter, I sometimes find that I was mistaken.
To skip that process, to make a decision that is not yours to make...
ヒューベルト: 従者としての器の底が知れますかな?
Hubert: Perhaps your advice is simply useless, then.
フェルディナント: なっ!?
Ferdinand: Excuse me?!
ヒューベルト: まったく。主の意のままに動けば、生き方をどうにかしろという。
Hubert: Listen to yourself. If I do as Lady Edelgard requires, then you tell me to be more independent.
But if I tread my own path, I am misguided!
I suppose the fault is mine for expecting any useful advice to come out of your mouth. Heh.
フェルディナント: ええい、屁理屈を並べ立てるのはもうたくさんだ。
Ferdinand: Ugh, I have had enough of your grousing.
To think, I started to believe you were a useful aide.
ヒューベルト: こうして我々が向かい合って静かに茶を飲んでいるというのも、妙な気分ですな。
Hubert: It's strange. I never thought you and I would be able to sit together and drink tea like this.
フェルディナント: 私は紅茶だが、君は紅茶ではないだろう。その香り、テフではないのか?
Ferdinand: Drink tea, you say, but that does not smell like tea. The aroma... Would that be coffee by any chance?
Imported from Dagda, I believe. I do not care for it myself.
ヒューベルト: よく知っておりますな。流石は貴殿といったところでしょうか。
Hubert: Your knowledge is impressive. Although I should expect nothing less from a noble, I suppose.
Lady Edelgard surpasses you in nearly every respect.
But I think, when it comes to positivity, you may actually exceed her.
フェルディナント: む……どういう意味だ?
Ferdinand: Excuse me?
ヒューベルト: ある意味、愚直さとも言えますが、貴殿のその前向きなところは……
Hubert: In a way, it is merely a mask for your tactlessness. But even so, your relentless optimism...
Well. Suffice it to say that it is your best quality.
フェルディナント: なに?
Ferdinand: I... What?
ヒューベルト: 貴族として、常に貪欲に成長を望み、知識を入れ、壁を乗り越えんと切磋する。
Hubert: You are constantly striving to grow as a person. To seek new knowledge. To push new limits.
When others get distracted or abandon their path, you never yield.
In that aspect, at least, I think you are unmatched.
フェルディナント: ヒューベルト?ど、どうしたというのだ?
Ferdinand: Hubert... Are you all right?
Do you have a cold? Or the plague? Am I hearing a deathbed confession?
ヒューベルト: チッ。ただ褒めただけで、気持ち悪いうろたえ方をしないでもらいたいですな。
Hubert: It was only a compliment. There's no need for such dramatic exaggeration.
フェルディナント: き、気持ち悪い?
Ferdinand: Dramatic, you say?
ヒューベルト: 私は、自分の判断に感情を挟まない。それだけのことですよ。
Hubert: I do my best to analyze others without emotion.
Even if I find you to be a contemptible degenerate, I can still evaluate your abilities in an impartial way.
フェルディナント: ……すべて理性的に判断するからこその、絶対の忠義、絶対の自信というわけか。
Ferdinand: So because you assess people without emotion, you're totally confident in your appraisals.
It seems I was wrong about you.
ヒューベルト: くくくく……。わかってもらえましたかな。
Hubert: Heh. You actually understand.
フェルディナント: だが、やはり貴殿に褒められると、鳥肌が立つのは抑えられそうにない。
Ferdinand: Please do not compliment me again though. I find it quite unsettling. It is like hearing a snake sing an aria.
At least put it in a letter next time.
ヒューベルト: ……いいでしょう。億が一にも次があれば、その時はそうしますよ。
Hubert: In the very unlikely event that there is a next time, I promise to put it in writing.
ヒューベルト: おや、フェルディナント殿……む?この香りは……
Hubert: Hello, Ferdinand. Wait—that aroma...
フェルディナント: ほう、流石に鼻が利くな、ヒューベルト。君の好むテフの豆だよ。
Ferdinand: Your nose is as sharp as ever, Hubert. Yes, it is a bag of fresh coffee beans.
ヒューベルト: なぜ貴殿がテフを?苦手だと前に言っていませんでしたかな。
Hubert: Why did you buy coffee? You said you don't care for it.
フェルディナント: そのとおりだ。黒いし、苦いし、泥のように感じるし、飲むと妙に目が冴える気もする。
Ferdinand: My stance has not changed. Drab, bitter, with a muddy texture. If I have even a sip, my hands start to tremble.
ヒューベルト: 散々な言いようですな。その貴殿が、なぜテフを持って?
Hubert: Rather harsh. What are you doing with it, then?
フェルディナント: それはな……ん?それより君が持っているものは、まさか……東方の着香茶か!?
Ferdinand: Well, you see— Wait a moment. What is that? Is that an imported tea from the east?
ヒューベルト: くくく……目ざといですな。貴殿こそ、流石ですよ。
Hubert: It is indeed. Keen eyes.
フェルディナント: くっ、これ見よがしに私の大好物を……貴殿は紅茶を飲まなかったはず。
Ferdinand: Flaunting my favorite drink, right in front of me! And you do not even drink tea. Fiendish.
It is for Edelgard, I assume?
ヒューベルト: さて、どうでしょうかな。むしろ、貴殿がテフを持っている理由を聞きたいですが……
Hubert: Before I answer that, I would like to know what you are doing with the coffee.
フェルディナント: わ、私は……
Ferdinand: Well, I...
ヒューベルト: おや、意中の女性への贈り物か何かで?
Hubert: Is it a gift? Perhaps for someone you fancy?
フェルディナント: そう、贈り物だ。……君へのな。
Ferdinand: A gift, yes. For you.
ヒューベルト: やはり贈り物でしたか。私への……私への!?
Hubert: Hm. Who is the unlucky— Did you say for me?!
This coffee is a gift for me? Have I heard you correctly?
フェルディナント: 言った。貴族に二言などない。受け取ってくれ。
Ferdinand: Yes, that is what I said. A noble does not go back on his word. Just take it.
ヒューベルト: ……断ります。
Hubert: I should decline.
フェルディナント: そうか……。
Ferdinand: Why?
ヒューベルト: 貴殿からただ物を贈られるなど、この身が総毛立ってしまいます。
Hubert: The thought of receiving a gift from you, unbidden and unreciprocated, fills me with revulsion.
Therefore...accept this tea. As a gift. From me.
フェルディナント: これを……私に?良いのか?そのせいで誰か他の者が困るのなら……
Ferdinand: For me? Are you certain? I would hate to deprive the intended recipient of such a fine tea.
ヒューベルト: 元々、貴殿のために用意したものです。何も問題ありませんとも。
Hubert: That would be difficult to do, since I bought it with you in mind.
フェルディナント: そうか。ならありがたく……ええ!?
Ferdinand: Oh, in that case, thank— What? You were planning to give this to me all along?
ヒューベルト: ええ、言いましたよ。
Hubert: That is what I said.
フェルディナント: そうか……。ふっふっふ……ふはは……はっはっはっは!
Ferdinand: Really? I... Hahaha!
ヒューベルト: くく……くくく……くはははは!
Hubert: Hahaha.
フェルディナント: そういうことなら、早速だが、二人で茶の時間といこうではないか。
Ferdinand: Only one thing to do. We must take a tea break.
ヒューベルト: 構いませんよ。私は茶ではありませんが。
Hubert: Very well. But tea is not what I will be drinking.
フェルディナント: もちろんだ。私が君のためにテフを淹れるとも。
Ferdinand: Of course. I will make you some coffee.
ヒューベルト: では、私は貴殿のために紅茶を淹れることにしましょう。
Hubert: Then I will prepare the tea.
Hubert and Ferdinand became the left and right hands of Emperor Edelgard, competing constantly with each other to see who could be the more helpful.
They were opposites-the Minister of the Imperial Household, melancholy and merciless, and the prime minister, bright and compassionate. Still, they brought out the best in each other.
As the Empire became orderly and prosperous, the two came to be known as the nation's "Two Jewels," and were remembered fondly for generations to come.
Some say their fame made even Emperor Edelgard jealous.