ドロテア: ペトラちゃん、ここでの生活はどう?もう慣れたかしら?
Dorothea: Petra, how are you doing? Getting used to life here?
ドロテア: ペトラちゃん、最近どう?もう戸惑うこともないかしら。
Dorothea: How are you, Petra? You're not finding anything difficult, right?
You seem to have settled right in.
ペトラ: はい。皆、優しく、助けます。わたし、とても、慣れる、でした。
Petra: I am settled. Everyone shows great kindness.
ドロテア: まあ、良かったわ。初めて会った時にはびっくりしたのよ。
Dorothea: I’m glad to hear it. I was so surprised when you first arrived.
A princess, all the way from Brigid!
ペトラ: わたし、嬉しい、同じ、です。けれども、お姫様、呼び方、照れます。
Petra: You have my gratitude, but please do not call me princess. You are making my cheeks blush!
ドロテア: いいじゃない。可愛いペトラちゃんは間違いなくお姫様よ。
Dorothea: There’s nothing to blush about. You’re every little girl’s dream of what a princess should be.
Anyhow, I suppose it’s been a long time since you’ve been back to Brigid, hasn’t it?
I hope you aren’t homesick. Maybe we can cook one of your favorite dishes from back home?
ペトラ: あります。しかし、叶う、できません。材料、こだわり、何もかも、違います。
Petra: I do wish for that, but there is no possibility. The ingredients are not found here.
ドロテア: そうよねえ。ブリギット料理なんて、食堂じゃ出ないものね。
Dorothea: I suppose you’re right. That’s probably why they don't cook the food of Brigid in the dining hall.
I’m sorry. I just got to thinking about how hard it must be to live somewhere so far away from home and...
No. It can’t be impossible. I’ll fix you a real meal of Brigid. I’ll just find a recipe and similar ingredients!
ペトラ: 待つ、お願いします、ドロテア。気持ちだけ、嬉しいです。
Petra: Wait, Dorothea. It is the thinking that counts.
But your cooking is... what is the word... horrendous. That is what everyone is saying, anyway.
ドロテア: 壊滅的で凄惨……誰が言ったのよ、もう。料理は苦手だけど、調理なら……。
Dorothea: Horrendous? Nobody’s cooking can be that bad!
ペトラ: ……わたし、気持ちだけ、本当、十分です。満足、でした。
Petra: The thinking is enough for me. You have my biggest gratitude.
ドロテア: なーんか言い方が引っかかるけど、まあいいわ。
Dorothea: Fine. I’ll do something instead of cooking for you.
I just want to be sure that you feel at home here.
How about a massage? That may help you loosen up.
ペトラ: いえ、構わない、問題、ありません。体、ちゃんと、自分、ほぐします。
Petra: I have no problems. My body is already able to relax.
ドロテア: そう? なら、貴女がぐっすり眠れるように、とっておきの子守歌を……
Dorothea: Oh? Then perhaps I could sing you lullabies to help you sleep!
ペトラ: 心配、要る、ないです。わたし、寝つき、良い、思います。
Petra: I am not having sleeping trouble.
ドロテア: 遠慮しなくていいのよ、ペトラちゃん。私たちの仲じゃない。
Dorothea: Just know that you never have to worry about putting me out. I like helping my friends.
Well then, I must be going, but remember my offer.
ペトラ: ……ドロテア、少し、近いです。鼓動、早まります。
Petra: Dorothea, is filling my heart full...
ペトラ: ドロテア、わたし、一つ、聞きたいこと、あります。
Petra: Dorothea, I want to be asking you a question.
ドロテア: あら、何かしら?
Dorothea: Please do.
ペトラ: 何故、あなた、ガルグ=マク、来ましたか?あなたの目的、皆と違う、ですよね?
Petra: Why have you come to Garreg Mach? Is your goal different from the rest?
ドロテア: そうねえ、みんなは貴族の跡取りだったり、出世を望む野心家だったりしたものね。
Dorothea: Yes, I suppose. Everyone here's an heir or an heiress. But not me. I'm just a commoner.
When I enrolled in the Officers Academy I was different than everyone else.
I wanted to secure my future big idea was to marry money.
Ever since, I've been dating different terribly well-to-do men, searching for a good one...
So far there's been no reason for a second date.
ペトラ: 玉の輿……宝石、座る? ですか。硬そうですが、ぼんやり、わかります。
Petra: Marrying money? That is not sounding like a good idea. Money would be a bad husband.
お金と結婚?ですか。 良い考え、聞こえません。 お金は悪い夫になる、思います。
ドロテア: ……まあだいたい合ってるわね。
Dorothea: Pretty much.
ペトラ: しかし、あなた、わたし、よくする、大変、ありがたいです。
Petra: But you treat me well. I have so much gratitude.
Why do you show me such friendliness when I am not money?
ドロテア: うーん、別に損得とは関係ないところで、付き合う相手がいたっていいでしょ?
Dorothea: Oh, no, Petra. This isn't like that. I like spending time with friends.
It's wonderful being friends with you, and I hope we can stay close for a long time to come.
ペトラ: いいえ、嬉しいです。わたしも、仲良くする、望みます。
Petra: Yes, I have that hope too.
But I have also been thinking of who is good for me.
ドロテア: あら、そうなの。私と一緒なのね。
Dorothea: Oh, I see.
ペトラ: けれども、わたしも、ドロテアと、仲良く、望みます。理由、わかりません。
Petra: And still I am thinking we should be friends.
ドロテア: それは……あれかしら。帝国貴族に苦労させられた同士、とか。
Dorothea: Oh, I know why. Because we're both trouble for Imperial nobility.
ペトラ: ……確か、わたし、苦労しました。あなた、苦労した同士、同志、でしたか。
Petra: Yes, we both have troubles.
ドロテア: やっぱり?そんな気がしてたのよねえ。
Dorothea: Feels nice, doesn't it? Knowing that, together, we can irritate that many people?
Since we've already got a lot in common, let's get to know each other better, shall we?
ドロテア: あら、ペトラちゃん。何か調べ物かしら?
Dorothea: Oh, Petra, are you researching something?
ペトラ: はい、ドロテア。役立つ、戦術、調査する、います。
Petra: Yes, I am investigating useful fighting techniques.
ドロテア: 相変わらず偉いわねえ。私なんか、戦い続きでうんざりなのに。
Dorothea: You're always trying to become a better fighter. Personally, I am sick of all the battles.
ペトラ: うんざり……わかります。戦争、早く、終わらせる、望む、です。
Petra: You are... feeling sick about battle? Ah! I understand. Yes, I am also wishing for this war to finish quickly.
ドロテア: そうねえ、早く終わらせたいわ。戦場に出てばかりじゃ肌も髪も傷んじゃうもの。
Dorothea: Sooner the better. Ugh. I don't even remember the last time I washed my hair.
ペトラ: 賛同、します。髪、傷む、結いにくい、大変です。
Petra: Yes, it is hard to be braiding your hair when it is damaged from lack of care.
ドロテア: ペトラちゃんの髪って、あまり見ない結い方をしてるものね。
Dorothea: Speaking of... You know, I don't think I've seen many braids like yours, Petra.
I assume it's a hairstyle from Brigid? May I take a closer look?
ペトラ: はい、構いません。わたしたち、一族、伝わる、結い方です。
Petra: You may. This style of braiding has been passing... has been passed down through my family.
ドロテア: 細かく編んだ髪を、更に大きな束にしてまとめているのかしら。手が込んでるわ。
Dorothea: How very elaborate! That must take a long time to do.
ペトラ: その言葉、喜ばしいです。毎日、時間、かかる、編みます。
Petra: Your words are delighting me. Braiding it does take up a great amount of time every day.
ドロテア: 毎日かー……そりゃそうよねえ。このままじゃ寝れないものね。
Dorothea: Every day? No, I suppose you couldn't sleep with your hair like that, could you?
When there's time, do you think you could teach me? It would be fun to match you every now and then!
And once I learn how, I can help you with your hair. What do you think?
ペトラ: 妙案、です。わたし、あなたとお揃い、嬉しいですから。
Petra: I am really liking that idea. It would give me great happiness to have our hair match.
ドロテア: ふふふふ、私も嬉しいわ。
Dorothea: Haha, I'd like it too!
ペトラ: ……わたし、以前、困惑しました。あなた、近く、馴れ馴れしい、思いました。
Petra: Dorothea... Before, I had confussion. I thought you were being overly familiar.
But then I gained understanding. Now I am knowing that is how you show your kindness, and I have much gratitude for that.
It is impossible to be imagining life without you. You are... precious to me.
ドロテア: ペトラちゃん……そんなふうに言ってくれて、私も感激よ。
Dorothea: Petra... What a lovely thing to say.
I might just cry...
ペトラ: 泣きそう、ですか?わたし、胸、貸します。
Petra: If you will be crying, you can have my... Ah! My shoulder. For your crying.
ドロテア: ふふ、冗談よ。
Dorothea: Oh, I was just playing around.
But... if I ever need a good cry, I do hope you'll lend me your shoulder.
ペトラ: はい、いつでも、貸し出し中です。
Petra: My shoulder will always be available to you.
ドロテア: ちょっと……貸し出し中だったら、私が借りられないでしょ?
Dorothea: Oh yeah? So, I don't even need to make a reservation or anything?
ペトラ: そうでした。わたしの胸、売約済み、ですか?
Petra: A reservation? For... my shoulder?
ドロテア: それもちょっと……まあ何でもいいわ、ペトラちゃん。
Dorothea: Oh, I just meant... You know what? It doesn't matter.
What matters is that I enjoy spending time with you. It makes me stop worrying about marriage and status.
ペトラ: どうでもいいなら、あなた、ブリギット、来ますか?
Petra: If that is the truth, then will you be coming to Brigid with me?
ドロテア: え?
Dorothea: Huh?
ペトラ: 戦争、終わる、終わったら……わたしの故郷、あなた、見る、望みます。
Petra: When this war is finished, I am wishing for you to be seeing my homeland.
ドロテア: ……そんなお誘いを受けるなんて、私、ちょっと胸が高鳴っちゃうわ。
Dorothea: You... you are? Oh my.
I'd love to, Petra. As soon as the fighting is done, I'd like nothing more than to see Brigid with you.
Petra returned to her homeland of Brigid, and inherited the throne from her grandfather. As ruler, she declared independence from Fodlan, and renegotiated Brigid's diplomatic ties to that nation on more equal terms. At every step along the way, she was accompanied by Dorothea, who had left Fodlan behind to support her.
Dorothea used the connections she had made in her time at the opera to her benefit, and even worked reluctantly with the Fodlan nobility for Petra's sake.
The people of Brigid were skeptical of her at first, but warmed up to her over time. It is said that she became the person whom Petra loved the most.