ドゥドゥー: ……この時期の魚は脂が乗っている。塩焼きにするだけでも十分に美味い。
Dedue: At this time of year, the fish are fat. Simply grilling them will bring out their best flavor.
Steaming them with herbs is delicious too.
アッシュ: へえ……やっぱり詳しいんだね。すごく参考になるよ、ドゥドゥー。
Ashe: Wow, you know a lot about this. I'm learning so much from you, Dedue.
Were you a cook at the castle in Fhirdiad?
ドゥドゥー: ……いや。
Dedue: No.
アッシュ: あ、それとも、君の家族が酒場や食堂を開いていたとか。
Ashe: Did your family own an eatery of some kind?
ドゥドゥー: ……いや。親の料理を、妹と一緒に手伝ったくらいだ。
Dedue: No. My sister and I helped with cooking at home.
アッシュ: 僕も料理にはそれなりに自信があったけど、君の前だと、なんにも言えないよ。
Ashe: Wow, that's all? I thought I was confident about my skills, but next to you, I feel like an amateur.
Hey, could you give me some advice about other kinds of meat, besides fish?
ドゥドゥー: ……アッシュ。
Dedue: Ashe.
アッシュ: 何?
Ashe: Yes, Dedue?
ドゥドゥー: なぜ、そうもおれに構う。
Dedue: Why do you spend time with me?
アッシュ: え?だって仲間でしょ、僕たち。
Ashe: We're friends, right?
I just want to get to know you better. Is that so odd?
ドゥドゥー: ……おれはダスカーの民だ。
Dedue: I am from Duscur.
アッシュ: そんなこと言ったら、僕だって平民だよ。それもかなり貧しい部類の。
Ashe: So? Look at me―I came from a life of poverty.
I was lucky to even be let in here, to study with all these high-class people.
I think we have a lot in common.
ドゥドゥー: ……貧民とダスカーの民とは違う。
Dedue: Being poor and being from Duscur are two different things.
アッシュ: それは……知ってるよ。それでも、僕は君と仲良くなりたいな。
Ashe: Oh, I know! But we can still be friends, can't we?
ドゥドゥー: ………………。……おかしな奴だな。
Dedue: You are a peculiar person.
アッシュ: あはは、昔からよく言われるよ。
Ashe: So I'm told!
アッシュ: ………………。
Ashe: ...
ドゥドゥー: ………………。
Dedue: ...
アッシュ: ……あのさ。ドゥドゥーって、あんまり喋るほうじゃないよね。
Ashe: You don't like to talk much, huh, Dedue?
ドゥドゥー: ……他人との会話は、苦手だ。
Dedue: I am not skilled in conversation.
アッシュ: そうなんだ。……それって、何か理由があるから?
Ashe: Any particular reason?
ドゥドゥー: ……理由、か。
Dedue: Reason?
I am only here at the monastery because this is where His Highness wishes me to be.
Many here are frightened of me. Disgusted by me.
I grow weary of it.
アッシュ: 確かに……やっぱりまだ、君たちが嫌いだって人も多いよね……。
Ashe: That makes sense. A lot of people hate Duscur.
They think all kinds of terrible things. Some of them even think you kidnap and eat people.
ドゥドゥー: 人をさらって食べる、か。……ふ、化け物でもあるまいし。
Dedue: Heh. We sound like true monsters.
アッシュ: そういうので笑うのは良くないよ!むしろ怒んなきゃ駄目だっ。
Ashe: Why are you smiling?! Shouldn't it make you angry?
ドゥドゥー: ……そうだろうか。
Dedue: I suppose.
アッシュ: でも、そう言う人でも……君と喋ってみればきっと見方が変わると思うんだけどな……。
Ashe: If those people would just talk to you, I'm sure they'd change their minds.
I'll admit that when I first got here, I found you kind of intimidating.
I didn't know if it was OK to talk to you. I hesitated.
But like I said before, I just wanted to get to know you. And now that I have, I'm not scared at all.
ドゥドゥー: ……面白い話は、できん。
Dedue: I am not very good at interesting conversation.
アッシュ: じゃあ、ダスカーの話とか、聞かせてよ。君の故郷の話だ。
Ashe: We can work on that. Tell me about Duscur. What was your hometown like?
ドゥドゥー: ……王国より森が深く、おれたちには、暮らしやすい土地だった。
Dedue: Calm. More forested than Faerghus.
Each town had a specialty. Smithing, fishing...
You would be better off reading about it in a book.
アッシュ: あはは、まあ、それもそうかも……。……じゃあ、僕から一つ、質問させてよ。
Ashe: OK, maybe you're right. But answer me one thing.
You're a great cook, and you learned at home. Why don't you make more Duscur-style food?
ドゥドゥー: 言ったとおり、ここにはおれを快く思わない者も多い。
Dedue: As we have established, people hate Duscur.
Food by itself may be harmless, but it is better not to sow seeds of discontent.
アッシュ: ……そうだったんだ。
Ashe: Ah.
But the cuisine of Duscur is delicious! I'd really like to try more of it!
ドゥドゥー: ……そうか。そう言ってもらえるのは、嬉しいものだな。
Dedue: I am...pleased to hear you say so.
ドゥドゥー: アッシュ、帰りが遅かったな。
Dedue: You're quite late getting back.
アッシュ: ……実は、偵察任務が上手くいかなくて。おかげで食事を取る余裕もなくてさ……。
Ashe: The scouting mission didn't go well. I was so busy I didn't even have time to eat.
ドゥドゥー: ギルベルト殿が憔悴していたからな。そんなことだろうと思った。
Dedue: I thought that might be the case. Gilbert was exhausted too.
Glad you made it. I saved some food for you.
アッシュ: ありがとう、ドゥドゥー。僕、今ほんとにお腹減ってて……助かるよ。
Ashe: Thanks. I'm starving.
アッシュ: ……ああ、やっぱり、ドゥドゥーの料理って美味しいな。
Ashe: Your cooking's fantastic, as always.
The spices were a nice touch. I can really taste the Duscur inspiration.
You remembered that I wanted to try more Duscur cuisine, didn't you?
ドゥドゥー: ……まあな。……美味いか。
Dedue: Yes. How is it?
アッシュ: うん! やっぱり料理の腕では君にかないそうにないや。
Ashe: Amazing! You're a much better chef than I am.
ドゥドゥー: ……お前の料理も、十分美味いが。
Dedue: Your cooking is not bad at all.
アッシュ: あはは、本当に?……ありがとう。僕の父さんも喜ぶと思う。
Ashe: Haha, thanks. My father would be glad to hear it.
ドゥドゥー: ……料理は、父親に教わったのか。
Dedue: Is he the one who taught you?
アッシュ: というか、父さんの店の手伝いをするうちに覚えたみたいなものかな。
そう言うドゥドゥーは? 妹さんと一緒に親の料理を手伝った、って言ってたっけ。
Ashe: Not exactly. I learned from watching him work the kitchen in his restaurant.
And what about you? I think you said that you and your sister helped with the cooking at home.
ドゥドゥー: ……そうだな。おれもお前と同じように、母を見て覚えた。
Dedue: Yes. I learned by watching my mother.
Nothing remains of Duscur. The towns, the people, the culture—all of it was put to the torch.
My mother and sister are gone.
Yet that simple memory of them standing together in the kitchen is so clear. So real.
アッシュ: ……そっか。じゃあ、この料理には、君の、家族との思い出が詰まってるんだね。
Ashe: So, in a way, you put those memories into this meal.
ドゥドゥー: ……そう、かもしれんな。
Dedue: Yes.
Through me, they are able to live on.
アッシュ: ………………。ねえ、ドゥドゥー。僕、そういう考え方、好きだよ。
Ashe: I like that way of thinking.
The church may not like my feelings on this, but...
In Fódlan, when people die, they pass on to be with the goddess, right?
ドゥドゥー: ……そうだな。
Dedue: I suppose.
アッシュ: 僕は……死んだ人が遠くに行っちゃうより、生きている人の中に残るほうが、好きだな。
Ashe: That seems so far away. I'd rather they stayed here.
My parents, my brother, Lonato... Maybe they can all live on through me too.
ドゥドゥー: ……きっと、皆、お前の中にいるのだろう。お前がそこにいると思う限りは。
Dedue: As long as you think of them, they will.
アッシュ: ………………。ねえ、ドゥドゥー。
Ashe: Dedue...
Your cooking is...delicious. It really is...
ドゥドゥー: ……塩辛くなってしまうぞ。
Dedue: Careful...or you will over-salt it.
アッシュ: ううん……美味しいから、いいんだ。……ありがとう、ドゥドゥー。
Ashe: Ah, that's all right. Thank you, Dedue...
ドゥドゥー: ……ああ。今は腹いっぱい、食えばいい。
Dedue: Eat as much as you'd like.
Though the innocence of the Duscur people was proven, prejudice against them still lingered in the Kingdom capital.
For this reason, Ashe refused a knighthood when it was offered to him, and chose instead to open an inn that specialized in Duscur cuisine.
Dedue began to frequent the place on breaks from his duty as the king's vassal, and over time, imparted to Ashe his culinary wisdom. As the inn gained popularity, the people of the Kingdom began finally to see the Duscur people in a positive light. This led to a reconciliation between the two cultures that came rather more quickly than expected.