Q. 現在のサミーラはどんな感じでしょうか。まだ経過観察が必要?
Seems pretty reasonable, but her winrate is still growing so if she keeps on the way she is I think she will probably need another smaller nerf and then likely be fine.
Most likely try to get a higher elo focused nerf in.
Q. プレシーズン変更での、カサディンの補填強化はあるのか?
He is somebody we're keeping an eye on. Our current plan is to primarily focus on getting items in good shape while they're on PBE and then once we get a better understanding of what players are actually building and whatnot, do a balance pass on champions that are hurting.
I've forwarded the concerns ya'll have to the team, so you've been heard. :)
Thanks for reaching out!
Q. 新しいアーティラリーメイジ向けアイテムはヴェル=コズとはマッチしていないのではないか。ヴェル=コズのダメージは確定ダメージだというのが重要で、確定ダメージは増加しない。「%ダメージ効果」ではなく「%魔力増加」にしなければ、ヴェル=コズには悪いアイテムだ。
魔力 +100
iirc true damage is increased
we came to the (semi official) position that true damage can be amplified (but not reduced). this is so we don't need to reword everything from the simple "deal 10% increased damage" to the really ugly (and mechanically different) "deal additional damage equal to 10% of damage dealt"
second edit: I think its not working on his R due to bug
My personal take is one of the subtle hurdles with switching from CDR to Haste will be that even though you want them for similar reasons, the way you think about them in your builds is pretty significantly different.
For a decade, we've thought about CDR in terms of a cap. If you care about cooldowns, 40% CDR is a clear target you really want to hit, but once you do, you don't want more. It also makes tradeoffs between items clearer, in terms of "I can't get all these items because then I'm overcapped, which ones will I take?" Crit is the other stat that works this way.
Now though, we'll think about Haste like Armor and MR. You can stack AR/MR infinitely, the literal exact number isn't monumentally important, and more is always better than less. I don't think most people think of Frozen Heart as "the 110-armor item versus 115 or 105", but rather as "the highest-armor item", "the AS-slow-aura item", "the armor item non-mana tanks feel sad about", or other qualitative statements. Buying FH also doesn't mean you should stop buying other items with armor because of hitting a cap. I think the paradigm around Haste items will shift in this direction, but it'll take time.
(Sidenote: Similar to how once you've stacked a ton of AR/MR you should pivot to Health for more EHP, you'll eventually be better off building AD/AP instead of more Haste for more DPS.)
The exception where numbers do matter: Any ability that had a CDR breakpoint ("25% CDR gives Karma 100% Ardent Censer uptime on E") still has a Haste breakpoint. Once you know the new number (it's 34 btw) though, Haste doesn't make it harder to understand how to get there via your item purchases. You still do the same build puzzle-solving of "which items will get me to 34?"
All this said... to bridge the transition, some useful numbers to think about are:
At 25 Haste you have 20% CDR (Eg. rushing a Lost Chapter upgrade)
At 67 Haste you have 40% CDR (Old cap)
At 100 Haste you have 50% CDR (More than the old system let you have but pretty build-warping)
Those references put a spotlight on OP's linear vs nonlinear comparison, but to restate the point of this rambling, thinking of Haste as "what's the equivalent CDR" is IMO a transitional question that will stop being asked when folks are no longer running the before/after comparison in their heads on a game-to-game basis.
(付記:ARやMRを大量に積んでしまえば、Effective Healthを重視する方向に切り替えるべきです。同様に、DPSを上げるためにスキルヘイストを積み上げていくのではなく、ADやAPをしっかり積んでいくのが良いビルドとなります)
スキルヘイスト25で、CDR 20%(例:ロスト チャプターのアップグレードにラッシュする)
スキルヘイスト67で、CDR 40%(かつての上限)
スキルヘイスト100で、CDR 50%(旧システムよりもクールダウンを減らせますが、ビルドの制限はかなりきつくなります)
Listening to your comments / questions:
The "pink" border around some items in the shop means that we are currently designing their final icon.
"I feel OP everything seems out of balance"
Well...this is true, we have not focused our attention on balance just yet, it's coming.
All Jungle APs are struggling we're doing larger scope work
I can speak for the mage side.
The intention with these changes is to make builds more differentiated from each other.
We also didn't want to make the system more difficult to balance (ie. have to ceiling one subclass' access to haste based on another subclass' access to haste).
From the design side, we want to use Haste as both a "progression" axis (makes your champ feel like it's getting stronger relative to the game state) and "choice". The AP Mythics all having Haste are intended to make your champion feel more fluid (you're not meant to choose between haste and no haste on Mythics, but instead a little haste Ludens and a lot of haste Liandrys). As much as possible, we wanted to avoid the "one item that fills everything" in the second slot. Cosmic Drive is intended to be the "choice" Haste option, fighting against some of the more burst oriented options like Horizon Focus, Lich Bane, scaling options like Archangels, or defensive haste options like Zhonyas and Banshees.
The issue with Archangels having Haste is that the top end for Haste in the system will be ceilinged by Archangels champions (as they will be able to buy Haste Mythic, Archangels and Cosmic Drive, while other subclasses only optimally have access to Haste Mythic and Cosmic Drive). This makes it difficult to balance Haste between subclasses.
Having said all this, we know there are still some satisfaction issues to resolve with baseline haste amounts, Archangels tuning (the item line is weak), champion binding to mana items, and tuning some of the haste options (eg. lucidity vs sorcs) so bear with us while we attempt to resolve these. Thanks for your patience and I hope that helped.
「あらゆる要求を満たすたった1つのアイテム」を2つ目のアイテム欄に入れてほしくないので、可能な限りのことをしています。コズミック ドライブはスキルヘイスト重視で、ホライゾン フォーカスやリッチ ベインはバースト志向に対抗するための選択肢、アークエンジェルのようにステータスを伸ばす選択肢、ゾーニャやバンシーのような防御的スキルヘイストアイテムもあります。
アークエンジェルにスキルヘイストがついていた場合の問題点は、アークエンジェルを採用するチャンピオンによって、システムに存在するスキルヘイストの天井が決まってしまうということです(他サブクラスがスキルヘイストミシックとコズミック ドライブを買うことでしかスキルヘイストを最大限入手する手段がない一方で、彼らはスキルヘイストミシック・アークエンジェル・コズミック ドライブを全て購入できてしまうため)。これにより、サブクラス間でのスキルヘイストのバランス調整が難しくなってしまいます。
ROA (with a transformation mechanic) was a mythic for a few weeks in development. It was ultimately pretty unsatisfying as a mythic, due to the time to ramp up, leaving the player impotent for too long.
Our design goal was that there shouldn't be a "one mythic" for a given champion (there will always be a few champions that we can't achieve this on, but is the goal). This is one of the reasons why we're trying to unbind a few of the champs OP mentioned from mana, so that they can engage in Mythic choice in the system.
Some of the champs you mentioned are quite squishy without ROA, and that's a piece of feedback that we've heard and considering how to respond to. Everfrost and Non-Mana AP Mythics with some health should theoretically be an option for some of the champions that used to buy ROA.
>There will always be an optimal build and players will always want to find it.
I think this is true to some extent, but it doesn't mean that you can't strive for it. Pragmatically speaking, we know that there will be some hard bound champions, because we can't make double the number of Mythic items due to complexity of the game.
To push back on your point a little bit, I would argue that in a lot of cases, where players think things are optimal, there is actually a hidden build that is competitive, waiting to be discovered. In the best case scenario, the newly discovered build doesn't take over the old build, but is situationally as competitive. We see this in many games, not just League.
To give a League example, the AP items that were changed in patch 8.4 took almost 2 years for Pro players to discover that there were builds other than Ludens -> Morello -> Sorcs on champions like Orianna, Syndra that vary based on the game state. There was a high AP Seraphs Spellbinder Deathcap build, or a more one shot oriented GLP Spellbinder build. We had originally planned these builds out, and knew they were strong internally, but they just took a really long time to catch on; but that's part of the fun of being a theorycrafter and discovering new builds. I don't think you could argue that there was "an optimal" build for Orianna on patch 10.22. Sometimes your composition needs "scaling" via Archangels Gathering Storm, Cosmic Insight, sometimes it needs "spiking power" with Biscuits Scorch, sometimes it needs pick potential with GLP + Spellbinder.
To use a post preseason example, if I was Soraka on Live patch and playing against a bunch of bursty champions, Moonstone might be a worse choice than Locket. By contrast, if I was Soraka playing against a bunch of DPS oriented, but not bursty champions (eg. tanks), Locket may not be as useful and Moonstone would be more beneficial in the longer fights. I wouldn't say one of these options is always better, I truly believe there to be a situational choice here.
Having said all this, I'm not going to argue that we have succeeded in creating choice for all champions, but I will say that we've made a meaningful stab at it and will continue to try to improve on it.
LoLの例を挙げますと、パッチ8.4で変更されたAPアイテムはルーデン ⇒ モレロ ⇒ ソーサラーシューズ以外のビルドが、ゲームの状況によってはオリアナやシンドラといったチャンピオンで採用されるのですが、プロ選手がこれを発見するまで2年かかりました。高APのセラフ・スペルバインダー・デスキャップのビルド、あるいはワンショット気味なGLP・スペルバインダーのビルドがありました。私たちは当初からこれらのビルドを計画に織り込んでいて、内々では強いことを知っていましたが、発見さられるまで本当に長い時間がかかりました。ですが、これが楽しいのは理論構築家であるがゆえ、そして新ビルドを開発するがゆえです。パッチ10.22のオリアナに「単一の最適な」ビルドがあったと主張することはできないと思います。構成がアークエンジェルと強まる嵐による「スケーリング」を求めることもあれば、ビスケットと追い火による「パワースパイク」を求めることもあり、あるいはGLP+スペルバインダーによるピックポテンシャルが求められることもあるでしょう。
Thanks for the comment,
Our EOG (End Of Game) flow has many services involved, and interactions between the game engine, client, and our client foundation.
We looked at addressing one fix in the client foundation and was expecting the stats service to reset properly after each game, so it doesn't freeze after subsequent games. We made the change and it did resolve the issue.
Looking at our data, it helped a number of players who are willing to wait a good amount of time 'waiting for stats', but we know we still have a lot of work to do with EOG. (e.g. the max amount of time players were willing to wait to get back into the client dropped by about 40 seconds for 99th percentile of players)
According to the current client sentiment survey we run, it's by far the problem most players are experiencing --> finishing a game, and getting back into their client for the next one.
We will continue to investigate the entire EOG flow and see where we can make more drastic improvements, mostly around the amount of time it takes to get back into the client and ensuring we address issues around it freezing.
EOG(End Of Game、ゲーム終了時)の流れにはゲームエンジン、クライアント、クライアントの基礎の間で行われるやり取りと、多くのサービスが含まれています。
Q. パッチ2.2は素晴らしいけれど、ワイルドリフトはチャンピオンのバンシステム実装を忘れてるよ。OPチャンプの悪用やカウンターピックを防ぐためには良いシステムだよね。現時点でチャンピオンは合計61体、この後もチャンピオンはどんどん追加される。でも次の大規模パッチは2ヶ月後。少なくともそれまではバンシステムはないってことだ。
We definitely still want to add bans, but game development is always about tough tradeoffs. In this case we made a call to prioritize position preference system before adding bans. A lot of the client work, UX/UI, etc is the same folks who would be doing both systems.
While bans is certainly the easier feature it non-the less would have delayed position preference noticeably later and the upsides to PosSel are much higher - influencing everything from better team comps, helping players learn and onboard, reducing toxicity, the list goes on. Fear not though, we still believe bans are highly valuable though and will still add them at a later date.