Setup Guide
First time using GreenBOT? Well, this should help you get the bot up and running nice and quick. These commands do require the manage server permission. So, if you don't have the right permissions, you'll need someone who does.
First things first, is && a good prefix?
The default prefix of GreenBOT is &&. On your server, there may be another bot that uses &&, or you may have something you'd prefer to use. The command &&setup prefix <prefix> can change that for you. For example, if you wanted to use ! for all commands, you'd use &&setup prefix !. Want it changed back? Easy. !setup prefix &&.
Ok, so you've got this prefix but there are some annoying commands you want to remove?
Unfortunatly, you can't disable individual commands as of right now. However, you can disable groups of commands. Lets say you want to disable &&deal. Well, first you need to find out which group, or module, it's part of. In this case, it's Miscellaneous. If you don't know what module a command is from you can always check the Full command list and find out there. So, to disable the module it's just &&setup disable <module>. This will mean that any commands in that module won't work. The bot will add a little reaction to the message any time someone tries to run a command. So, in this instance, to disable &&deal, it's &&setup disable misc. You'll notice that it's got a different name. It's not the full one. In Avaliable modules, you can check to see what's called what when enabling and disabling commands. So, how do I turn it back on?
In the same way as above, you can't enable certain commands so you need the group. Then it's just as simple as &&setup enable <module>. So, if you wanted to re-enable &&deal it would be &&setup enable misc.