Commands that don't quite fit anywhere.
This part allows you to deal cards to one another or yourself privately or publicly.
&&deal - The base command. The beginning of any dealing command.
&&deal private - Deals a card to you via DM.
&&deal public - Deals a card in the channel you sent the command it. It's visable to everyone who can read that channel.
&&deal to [member] - Deals a card to the mentioned member. If nobody is mentioned, it deals one to the message author. The card is sent in the channel the command was sent it..
&&deal pto [member] - Deals a card to the mentioned member. If nobody is mentioned, it deals on to the message author. The card is sent via DM.
Commands that don't have a group but still exist.
&&colour <role> <colour> - Requires manage roles permission. Changed the role to that colour. Added for mobile users who wanted to edit role colours with a custom hex value.
&&wanted [user] - Displays a wanted picture of that user with a random bounty. If no user is selected, the command author is chosen