I started reading it on 2021/7/19. The Encyclopedia Introduction discusses how an encyclopedia should be. It has two purposes: to clearly demonstrate the order and interconnection of human knowledge as an "encyclopedia," and to include the fundamental principles and essential details that constitute the foundation of machine technology. It aims to be both an "encyclopedia" and a "rational dictionary." In the Logic section, it is mentioned that people realized the benefits of expanding the realm of their ideas through their own efforts or with the help of others. They saw the value in organizing the way knowledge is acquired and how thoughts are communicated in a simple technique. This technique was discovered and named "logic." It teaches us to arrange Concepts in the most natural order, create seamless chains of ideas, break down complex concepts that contain too many simple ideas, examine ideas from all angles, and finally present ideas in a form that is easily understood by others. In the main text, it is mentioned that the Iwanami Encyclopedia starts with an introduction that covers half of the book and places "Philosophy" as the first representative topic, ending with "Beauty." It is a beautiful arrangement. tkgshn also commented on this on Twitter on July 27, 2021.