title: 'Dynalist', //"Dynalist" is the name of popup button.
onClick: text => {
////Hyperlink without linktext / Image without alt text
////Image with alt text
////Hyperlink with linktext
text = text.split(/\n/).map(line => line.replace(/\*\*(\*+|^*+)\*\*/g, '$1')).join('\n') //Italic
text = text.split(/\n/).map(line => line.replace(/\_\_(\_+|^_+)\_\_/g, '$1')).join('\n') ////Line strikethrough
text = text.split(/\n/).map(line => line.replace(/\~\~(\~+|^~+)\~\~/g, '$1')).join('\n') //Higilighting
text = text.split(/\n/).map(line => line.replace(/==(=+|^=+)==/g, '$1')).join('\n') ////Date e.g. !(2019-09-11) or !(2019-09-11 10:00)////
text = text.split(/\n/).map(line => line.replace(/\!\((0-9{4}\-0-9{2}\-0-9{2}( 0-9{2}:0-9{2})*)\)/g, '$1')).join('\n') ////Date range e.g. !(2020-03-01 - 2020-03-10)
text = text.split(/\n/).map(line => line.replace(/\!\((0-9{4}\-0-9{2}\-0-9{2}) \- (0-9{4}\-0-9{2}\-0-9{2})\) */g, '$1 - $2')).join('\n') ////Date range e.g. !(2020-03-01 01:00 - 2020-03-10 08:00)
text = text.split(/\n/).map(line => line.replace(/\!\((0-9{4}\-0-9{2}\-0-9{2} 0-9{2}:0-9{2}) \- (0-9{4}\-0-9{2}\-0-9{2} 0-9{2}:0-9{2})\) */g, '$1 - $2')).join('\n') ////@ for hashtag////
//@ at the beginning of a line
text = text.split(/\n/).map(line => line.replace(/^(\s*)@/g, '$1#')).join('\n')
//@ at after a space
text = text.split(/\n/).map(line => line.replace(/( )@/g, '$1#')).join('\n')
////Latex e.g. $$E=mc^2$$////
text = text.split(/\n/).map(line => line.replace(/\$\$(^$$+)\$\$/g, '\$ $1')).join('\n') ////Code block
text = text.split(/\n/).map(line => line.replace(//g, '')).join('\n')
////Each four indents in a item(=a line)////
text = text.split(/\n/).map(line => line.replace(/\s{4}/g, ' ')).join('\n')
return text;