遠ない?ne-sachirou.icon 遠いta_haruna.icon
現在火星に於て觀測されてゐる窒素の量は火星綠化に必要な量に比して極めて少ない爲、火星綠化を目論む人の課題と成ってゐるが、抑も含窒素鑛物は軌道上からの觀測では見つけ痛剌い性質を持つ (地表から深い所に分布し易い) 事、及び太陽系の各地で窒素は極めて有り觸れた元素である事から類推して、火星地殼には未發見の含窒素鑛物が澤山あらうとする豫想もある。一方悲觀的豫測は、窒素の缺乏の爲火星の綠化は不可能と考へる。 金星で汲み、軌道エレベーターで軌道に送り、カプセルに入れほぼ無動力で火星の近くへ運ぶ 水耕栽培でマメ科植物と根粒菌を育てて窒素固定する
地殼中の元素量の data は…
Comparing compositional models of the terrestrial planets provides insights into physicochemical processes that produced planet-scale similarities and differences. The widely accepted compositional model for Mars assumes Mn and more refractory elements are in CI chondrite proportions in the planet, including Fe, Mg, and Si, which along with O make up >90% of the mass of Mars. However, recent improvements in our understandings on the composition of the solar photosphere and meteorites challenge the use of CI chondrite as an analog of Mars. Here we present an alternative model composition for Mars that avoids such an assumption and is based on data from Martian meteorites and spacecraft observations. Our modeling method was previously applied to predict the Earth’s composition. The model establishes the absolute abundances of refractory lithophile elements in the bulk silicate Mars (BSM) at 2.26 times higher than that in CI carbonaceous chondrites. Relative to this chondritic composition, Mars has a systematic depletion in moderately volatile lithophile elements as a function of their condensation temperatures. Given this finding, we constrain the abundances of siderophile and chalcophile elements in the bulk Mars and its core. The Martian volatility trend is consistent with 7 wt% S in its core, which is significantly lower than that assumed in most core models (i.e., >10 wt% S). Furthermore, the occurrence of ringwoodite at the Martian core-mantle boundary might have contributed to the partitioning of O and H into the Martian core.