1 dislocate something to put a bone out of its normal position in a joint
He dislocated his shoulder in the accident.
a dislocated finger
2 dislocate something to stop a system, plan etc. from working or continuing in the normal way
Word Origin
late 16th cent.: probably a back-formation from dislocation , but perhaps from medieval Latin dislocatus ‘moved from a former position’, from the verb dislocare.
Siraishi's body is unique as he is able to dislocate any of his joints at will. He even escaped through the extremely narrow viewing window of his cell. 関節を容易に脱臼させられる特異体質で 鉄格子を外した狭い視察孔を抜け出したこともある (/yupeco/『ゴールデンカムイ』6話)