be seen
Three days later a rash appeared.
Symptoms usually start appearing within two to three days.
+ adv./prep. A cat suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
Smoke appeared on the horizon.
A bus appeared around the corner.
Posters for the gig appeared all over town.
New shoots are just appearing at the base of the plant.
from nowhere
begin to exist
2 intransitive to begin to exist or be known or used for the first time Scientists are unsure when the virus first appeared.
+ adv./prep. His work began to appear on the scene in the 1960s.
When did mammals appear on the earth?
This problem first appeared in the inner cities.
3 linking verb (not used in the progressive tenses) to give the impression of being or doing something
+ adj. She didn't appear at all surprised at the news.
Everything appeared normal at first.
it appears + adj. It now appears likely that the school will be closed down.
It appears unlikely that interest rates will fall further.
+ noun He appears a perfectly normal person.
appear to do something The couple appeared to have nothing in common.
The video appears to show a car driving through the wall of a house.
She appeared to be in her late thirties.
They appeared not to know what was happening.
There appears to have been a mistake.
it appears (that)… It appears that there has been a mistake.
It would appear that this was a major problem.
appear as if… The sunset made it appear as if the sea was made of gold.
of book, article, programme, etc.
His new book will be appearing in the spring.
It was too late to prevent the story from appearing in the national newspapers.
These allegations appear in a forthcoming documentary.
in film/play
intransitive (+ adv./prep.) to take part in a film, play, television programme, etc. He has appeared in over 60 movies.
She regularly appears on TV.
She is currently appearing as Juliet at the Liverpool Playhouse.
appear on television
By ten o'clock Lee still hadn't appeared.
+ adv./prep. A man appeared at the door and asked to see her.
be written/mentioned
7 intransitive (+ adv./prep.) to be written or mentioned somewhere Your name will appear at the front of the book.
in court
8 intransitive (+ adv./prep.) to be present in court in order to give evidence or answer a charge A man will appear in court today charged with the murder.
She is expected to appear at Dumfries Sheriff Court on Monday.
She appeared on six charges of theft.
They will appear before magistrates tomorrow.
He has been asked to appear as a witness for the defence.
They had all appeared before the court several times.
9 intransitive appear for/on behalf of somebody to act as somebody’s lawyer in court James Gilbert is the lawyer appearing for the defendant.
Word Origin
Middle English: from Old French apareir, from Latin apparere, from ad- ‘towards’ + parere ‘come into view’.