The name “Metamath” was chosen to suggest that the language provides
a means for describing mathematics rather than being the mathematics itself.
goal for Metamath was a system for describing and verifying mathematics that is completely universal yet conceptually as simple as possible
proof verifierに徹すること
この40MBぐらいの単一ファイルにZFCの定義から始まって数学の多くが自己完結的に含まれている 項書き換えの整合性だけを提供する
$( Declare the constant symbols we will use $)
$c 0 + = -> ( ) term wff |- $.
$( Declare the metavariables we will use $)
$v t r s P Q $.
$( Specify properties of the metavariables $)
tt $f term t $.
tr $f term r $.
ts $f term s $.
wp $f wff P $.
wq $f wff Q $.
$( Define "term" and "wff" $)
tze $a term 0 $.
tpl $a term ( t + r ) $.
weq $a wff t = r $.
wim $a wff ( P -> Q ) $.
$( State the axioms $)
a1 $a |- ( t = r -> ( t = s -> r = s ) ) $.
a2 $a |- ( t + 0 ) = t $.
$( Define the modus ponens inference rule $)
min $e |- P $.
maj $e |- ( P -> Q ) $.
mp $a |- Q $.
$( Prove a theorem $)
th1 $p |- t = t $=
$( Here is its proof: $)
tt tze tpl tt weq tt tt weq tt a2 tt tze tpl
tt weq tt tze tpl tt weq tt tt weq wim tt a2
tt tze tpl tt tt a1 mp mp $.