概念の階層: 抽象→具象
(Abstract) Character Repertoire
= ja: 文字レパートリー
Coded Character Set
= ja: 符号化文字集合
list, vector, mapping
set じゃないじゃんwint.icon
(Character) Encoding Form
= ja: 符号化形式
multi-words, mulit-bytes
(Character) Encoding Scheme
= ja: エンコーディング・スキーム
U+ は ⊎ (U+228E MULTISET UNION) が由来
What is little-known generally is that the "U+" convention itself was an ASCII-fied compromise for what the Unicode designers *really* wanted to use for the Unicode hexadecimal prefix, which was U+228E MULTISET UNION (whose glyph is a union sign with a plus sign in it).
multiset union だけど、集合和ではない リンク集