ちょっとSATySFiで一気に処理してしまいたいタイミングがあった tosuke.icon unifyあたりの処理に気になりがある tosuke.icon
@require: list
@require: base/list-ext
@require: base/ref
@require: base/fn
@require: azmath/azmath
@require: derive/derive
@require: class-jlreq/jlreq
% class-jlreq は \ref を提供するクラスなら何でもよい
type expr = Var of string | EInt of int | Add of expr * expr | Abs of string * expr | App of expr * expr
type typ = Int | Fun of typ * typ | Unknown | UVar of int * typ ref
type typ-env = (string * typ) list
type typ-judge = typ-env * expr * typ
type typ-rule = RRef of string | RVar | RInt | RAdd of typ-derive * typ-derive | RApp of typ-derive * typ-derive | RAbs of typ-derive
and typ-derive = typ-judge * typ-rule
module TypedLambda : sig
val \expr : expr math-cmd val derive : typ-env -> expr -> typ -> typ-derive option
end = struct
let-math \sp =
text-in-math MathOrd (fun ctx -> inline-skip (get-natural-width (read-inline ctx (embed-string ,))))
let-math \type typ =
let-rec render t =
match t with
| Int -> ${\mathrm{int}}
| Fun(m, n) -> (
let (m-m, m-n) = (render m, render n) in
let m-m = match m with Fun _ -> ${\p{#m-m}} | _ -> m-m in
let m-n = match n with Fun _ -> ${\p{#m-n}} | _ -> m-n in
| Unknown -> ${\?}
| UVar(i, r) ->
let t = !r in
match t with
| Unknown ->
let m-i = math-char MathOrd (arabic i) in
| _ -> render t
render typ
let-math \type-env env =
let xs =
env |> (fun (name, ty) -> ${\mathit-token!(name) : \type!(ty)}) |> List.reverse in
match xs with
| [] -> ${}
| head::tail -> List.fold-left (fun pre cur -> ${#pre,\sp #cur}) head tail let-math \expr e =
let-rec render e =
let p e =
match e with
| Var _ -> render e
| EInt _ -> render e
| _ -> ${\p!(render e)}
match e with
| Var(x) -> ${\mathit-token!(x)}
| EInt(i) -> math-char MathOrd (arabic i)
| Add(e1, e2) ->
let (m-e1, m-e2) = (p e1, p e2) in
| Abs(x, e) ->
let m-e = p e in
${\lambda \mathit-token!(x). #m-e} | App(e1, e2) ->
let (m-e1, m-e2) = (p e1, p e2) in
render e
let-math \type-judge (env, expr, ty) = ${\type-env!(env) \vdash \expr!(expr) : \type!(ty)}
let-math \type-derive d =
let double-line = DeriveLine.make (fun ctx pt width thickness -> (
let color = ctx |> get-text-color in
match pt with
| (x, y) -> [
fill color (Gr.rectangle (x, y) (x +' width, y +' thickness));
fill color (Gr.rectangle (x, y +' thickness *' 3.) (x +' width, y +' thickness *' 4.))
)) in
let-rec prove (judge, rule) =
open DeriveDSL in
let rules =
match rule with
| RVar ->
| RInt ->
| RRef(name) -> withLine double-line |> Fn.compose(byOp {(\ref(name);)})
derive ${\type-judge!(judge)} |> rules
open Derive in
${\proven!(prove d)}
let derive env expr ty =
let fresh =
let-mutable counter <- 0 in
fun () -> (
let t = UVar(!counter, Ref.make(Unknown)) in
let () = counter |> in
let-rec extract j =
let (env, expr, ty) = j in
match expr with
| Var(x) -> (
let bind = env |> List.find (fun (v, _) -> string-same x v) in
bind |> (fun (_, t) -> (
let d = (j, RVar) in
(d, eq)
| EInt _ -> (
let d = (j, RInt) in
Some (d, eq)
| Add(e1, e2) -> (
let r1 = extract (env, e1, Int) in
let r2 = extract (env, e2, Int) in
match (r1, r2) with
| (Some(d1, eq1), Some(d2, eq2)) -> (
let eq = eq |> List.append eq1 |> List.append eq2 in
let d = (j, RAdd(d1, d2)) in
Some (d, eq)
| _ -> None
| App(e1, e2) -> (
let t0 = fresh () in
let r1 = extract (env, e1, Fun(t0, ty)) in
let r2 = extract (env, e2, t0) in
match (r1, r2) with
| (Some(d1, eq1), Some(d2, eq2)) -> (
let eq = List.append eq1 eq2 in
let d = (j, RApp(d1, d2)) in
Some (d, eq)
| _ -> None
| Abs(x, e) -> (
let (t1, t2, eq) =
match ty with
| Fun(t1, t2) -> (t1, t2, [])
| _ -> (
let t1 = fresh () in
let t2 = fresh () in
(t1, t2, eq)
let r1 = extract ((x, t1)::env, e, t2) in
match r1 with
| Some(d1, eq1) -> (
let eq = eq |> List.append eq1 in
let d = (j, RAbs(d1)) in
Some (d, eq)
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
let-rec unify eq =
let apply i r t =
let-rec exists t =
match t with
| Fun(t1, t2) -> if exists t1 then true else if exists t2 then true else false
| UVar(j, _) -> i == j
| _ -> false
if exists t then None
let () = r <- t in
Some ()
match eq with
| [] -> Some ()
| (UVar(_, r1) as u1, UVar(_, r2) as u2)::eq1 -> (
match (!r1, !r2) with
| (Unknown, Unknown) -> (
match eq1 with
| [] -> None
| _ -> unify (List.append eq1 (u1, u2)) % あとまわし )
| (t, Unknown) -> unify ((t, u2)::eq1)
| (Unknown, t) -> unify ((t, u1)::eq1)
| (t1, t2) -> unify ((t1, t2)::eq1)
| (UVar(i, r), t)::eq1 -> (
match !r with
| Unknown -> apply i r t |> Option.and-then (fun () -> unify eq1)
| t0 -> unify ((t0, t)::eq1)
| (t, UVar(i, r))::eq1 -> (
match !r with
| Unknown -> apply i r t |> Option.and-then (fun () -> unify eq1)
| t0 -> unify ((t, t0)::eq1)
| (Int, Int)::eq1 -> unify eq1
| (Fun(t11, t12), Fun(t21, t22))::eq1 -> unify ((t11, t21)::(t12, t22)::eq1)
| (_, _)::_ -> None
let ty = match ty with Unknown -> fresh () | _ -> ty in
let judge = (env, expr, ty) in
extract judge
|> Option.and-then(fun (d, eq) -> (
eq |> unify |> () -> d)