Updated on April 24th, 2020
This website provides necessary and useful information for online classes at Tokyo Metropolitan University in the first semester of the 2020 academic year.
We will continue to update this website with the latest and useful information.
This information may be updated depending on the situation. Please check this page often.
*This website is managed by the University Education Center and Academic Affairs Division.
In order to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infectious diseases, at our university, in principle, all classes will be held online while face-to-face classes cannot be held on-campus in the first half of 2020.
Below are the basic guildelines for online classes at our university.
【Basic Guidelines】
(1) During class time, we use the video-conferencing system "Zoom" for lectures and discussions.
(2) We will use our learning management system "kibaco" for distributing materials and submitting assignments.
However, other tools could be used in delivering your classes. Also, in order to improve the outcomes of studies, some part of the classes can be delivered as "on-demand classes" rather than simultaneously and in real time.
Please refer to the image below for our online classes conducted based on the guidelines.
Instructors: uploading materials for classes / checking the status and outcomes of studies
Students: downloading materials / submitting assignments
Instructors manage their class on kibaco, and students engage in all learning activities through kibaco.
Real-time lectures and discussions will take place via Zoom.