I don't really believe in a graphical user interface for Variables, because I believe the complexity is too high and you'd need to always develop specific UIs for whatever specific topic you're modelling
I know@Taka will be in Paris 24-28, maybe the people mentioned above could meet I'll probably meet taka in Marseille early November その中でメンションしてた人たち
I'm based in Paris
I’m also currently working with Preston Cabe from Benefits Data Trust in the US, on making rules that are interoperable between Decision Model Notation (and maybe BPNM), which have visual flowchart user interfaces, with OpenFisca/PolicyEngine. This would (ideally) allow a two-way flow - Subject Matter Experts could specify rules in a flowchart in DMN (top-down), and could also audit/review rules from OpenFisca in DMN (bottom-up). Happy to talk about this virtually sometime in the next few weeks if you’d like!
take away