Protein is building the web3 version of BCorp/MSCI, and making innovative mechanisms for funding, investing, and other impact easily accessible through ImpactDAO. Impact investors and philanthropists need to break out of the siloed, proprietary approaches of legacy ESG initiatives and be able to integrate due diligence using web3 tools. Registries (TCRs) that tokenize ImpactDAOs and their impact/traction scores will be a critical component of a reversible ecosystem that enhances collective impact in the Web3 world.
Such registries are essentially curated lists of ImpactDAOs that enable potential contributors, investors, and funders to discover ImpactDAOs. Each ImpactDAO can receive an on-chain score from validators, enabling the construction of investment vehicles or other token mechanisms/governance on top. For example, a tracker fund could invest in the top 10 most impactful projects overall or the top 10 most impactful projects in solving food crises, or an encrypted ETF (for individual investors) based on tokens of top DAOs in a specific impact area. Alternatively, active donor funds can use this list to adjust regular/streaming donations. Conversely, specific scores can be used to restrict access to the list. For example, in Regen Stack, a web3 organization that wants to address impact but is not specialized, high-rated forests may be recommended for offsetting, and high-rated designs for reuse may be recommended for laptop devices, etc.
Impact assessment can be kept fair by 1) cryptographic economic incentives for challenging evaluations/scores and adding/removing DAOs to/from the registry, and 2) a robust governance system that ensures the legitimacy of the process.
This grant will enable us to achieve the "Stage 1" goal.
Development of grading methods v1 - Various things can be considered, from internal policies and processes to verifiable impact that validators prove.
We will design the necessary incentive structure for V1 so that all ImpactDAOs are graded and their scores are accurately reflected (including arbitration mechanisms).
We will validate the demands of potential investors (consumers on the curation list).
35,000 USDC
Access to support from RatingsDAO/ICC/Gitcoin network personnel (for game theory and token engineering, for example)
Prototype of investable TCR
Construct a front-end that makes navigation easy
Train validators/evaluation agents that use our scoring mechanism.
Establish an ecosystem for distributed verification of ImpactDAOs and provide the necessary liquidity.
Protein Community is a community DAO that is building a Good Growth standard and a culture/regeneration accelerator. We have just released our pilot cohort and are supporting projects and providing funding for "projects that allow sufficiently non-representative communities to participate in the new economy." We are currently evaluating our approach prior to the next "resaccelerator" that focuses on supporting projects and their regenerative stacks.
Introducing us on Twitter @protein.